We will send you the wonderful prizes pictured on this page ... or dozens of others, such as jewelry, radiumdial wrist watches, tableware, tools, air-rifles, U-Make-It kits, leather kits, sewing kits, electric clocks, pressure cookers, model air- planes, scout equipment, movie machines, record players, and many others ... all WITHOUT ONE PENNY OF COST. You don’t risk or invest a cent — we send you everything you need ON TRUST. Here’s how easy it is: Merely show your friends and neighbors inspiring, beautiful Religious Wall Motto plaques. Many buy six or even more to hang in every room. An amazing value, only 35c . . . sell on sipht. You can make big cash commissions or get many exciting prizes for selling just one set of 24 Mottos. Other prizes for selling 2sets or more. Write today for Big Prize catalog sent to you Free. j^HERE’S^^ r HOW YOU GET^ YOUR PRIZES ThaFUNman.Dept B-109 CDCC BIG PRIZE 5726 H. Broadway, Chicago 40, III. I l\LE CATALOG Pleaserush to me on 15-days credit 24 Religious Wall Mottos, to sell at 35c each. Also include big Prize Catalog FREE. 1 will remit amount required as explained in BIG PRIZE CATALOG within 30 days and select the prize I want or keep a cash commission as explained. your first set of 24 Mottos on trust. When you have sold the 24 Mottos, send the $8.40 you have collected and you can secure your choice of many wonderful prizes. If you pre- k fer to EARN MONEY, send $6.00 ^ and keep $2.40. Hurry, send , TODAY for 24 Mottos A ON TRUST and big ^■FN^Prize Catalog Free. f EDEE membershipi " ' rKEE FUNman’s Fun Club EXTRA! Sell mottos and send payment within 15 days, and I’ll give you FREE a year’s Mem- korchin in th» RIlNmnn’K Run Cillh ... " bership in the FUNman’s Fun Club . . . Membershipcard, certificate, secret code, giant packet of fun materials all yours^^ Same ■PLUS extra surprises! Street or RFD . JSone. SEND NO MONEY— We Trust You TEX RITTER WESTERN Volume 1, Number 46 MAY. 1959 Published Quarterly by Charlton Royal Comics, Inc. Executive offices and office of publication, Charlton Building:. Derby, Conn. Second Class Mailing privileges authorized and posthge paid at the Post Office at Derby, Conn. Price per copy 10c. Subscription 12 issues $1.20. International copyright secured. All rights reserved. Pat Masulli, Executive Editor. This magazine has been produced and sold subject to the restrictions that it shall only be resold at retail as published and at full cover price. 1 It is a violation of these stipulations for this magazine to be offered for sale by any vender in a mutilated condition, or at less than full cover price. (Printed in U.S.A.) TEX RITTER WESTERN TUB SHSBP KtLLBR ' IN SHEEP COUNTRY, HUGE REWARDS ARE PAID FOR MOUNTAIN LIONS, WOLVES, OR ANV OTHER ANIMAL THAT RAIDS THE HERDS/ IT WAS TEX RITTER'S JOB TO FIND AND DESTROV SUCH SHEEP-K J LLERS . . . NO, FURS- -HE'S CLAWED SOU APLENTV/ WE GOT . EM, FURV BUT HE ALMOST GOT US/ TRACK IN', I SAW H I M , GREAT J I N ACT ION- - ^ I F HE EVER went bad an' P 1 TURNED SHEEP- K I LLER, HE' D COST IS SHEEPMEN A FORTUNE/ TEX RITTER WESTERN THE PRARIE RANGER HELD HIS TEMPER AND GOT A'NAV FROM THE MAN AS FAST AS POSSIBLE/ HE KNE'W BLAINE VIAS RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING... ■•HELL i SOMETHIN' BESIDES MOUNTAIN LION HAS BEEN RAIDIN' OUR HERDS, IS HUNCH IS IT' S A 0WG--ONE ABOUT THE LOOK i BLAINE. THE DOG DID SOU A FAVOR/ DON ' T HINT THAT HE'S GONE BAD/ THERE IS SOMETHIN' FUNNV GO IN ON AROUND HERE, FURV/ WHATEVER IS RAIDIN' THE HERDS ISN'T -JUST LEAN- ING THEM DEAD... F| FTVl THE PRARIE RANGER DOCTORED FURV»S 'WOUNDS AND LEFT HIM AT THE CAMP.. ...HE'S DR I V I N' < AT A TIME/ I'VE < EVER OR 'WHATEVER IT IS/ . IERE , FURV— I' I BE BACK ABOUT SUNDOWN/ HERE'S RITTER NON, \ RITTER, IF JASON / ASk HIM IF J BLA I NE'S HE'S GOT A DA'NG LIKE/ RIGHT, IT'S THAT... -^GQNNA COST VOU >>. PLENTV--'WHERE'S t that sheep-k i lli n • mSmKSxgt^W '% \ hound of vours? I NEED FURV ON A JOB LIKE TH I S . . . BUT I'LL GET ALONG ALONE TILL HE'S HEALED/ THERE S SOME GENTS UP ... AHEAD... THAT'S MORE SOU HAVE TL1H PAV FOR MORE THAN THREE HUNDRED SHEEP EITHER RILLED OR RUN OFF IN THAT LAST MONTH/ THAT'S THE LAW... VUH HAVE TUH MARE GOOD FOR WHAT ts-a. VORE SHEEP-RILLIN’ HOUND DID/ SEE THEM, RITTER?; 'WHAT MARES VUH VORE DAWG D I D — r^THINR SO, BLAINE?^ THAT/ / fffai a | KIP SAW HIM DO TEX RITTER WESTERN TEX RITTER VlAS SHOCRED . . .ONE WORD OF RUMOR COULD SPREAD AND BE BELIEVED/ HE WON 'WARNED VUH VESTER- DAV, RITTER/ VORE DAWG LOOKS LIRE A RILLER/ - / ADMIT IT-- / I’VE HEARD HOW MUCH RITTER LI RES THAT MUTT- VUH STARTED THIS, I X 'WANT VUH TO BLAINE/ I'LL HOLD /SEE SOMETHING, VUH RESPONSIBLE FOR/ R I TTER--X' LL 'WHATEVER. . .PUT THAT/ KEEP VUH COVER- ED TUH MARE SURE VUH DON'T PANIC GUN AWAV; H DON'T PANIC AN 1 RIDE OFF/ THE PRARIE RANGER HAD A HUNCH-- AND IT TURNED OUT RIGHT/ SIX DEAD SHEEP 'WERE GROUPED NEAR A SLOPE. . . / Iff BLAINE SA'W H I M DO IT THIS MORN IN'/ |p|r DON ' T TRV TALR IN' US Wm OUT OF IT RITTER, ^\WE'RE GONNA GIT VORE ■ CT— = 1 DA'WG/ BLAINE, VUH BETTER TELL ’ IM VUH LIED/ FURV 'WAS 'WITH ME THIS MORN- ING--HE GOT HURT PROTECTIN' VORE SHEEP, RE MEMBER? — I TOLD THE TRUTH V RITTER/ AN' NO MAN |g|l| WP^^- CALLS ME A LIAR/ tgi»s!!*u . LtTTLETdN STAMP CO Dept. 9-C8-34, Littleton, ft. H. Please send me FREE ' Treasure Chest" of stamps plus 50 "Mystery" stamps and tree copy of "How to Collect Stamps." , I enclose 10(* to cover cost of handling and mailing. Also send other Interesting stamp offers for my inspection. 1 under- stand that / ant not obligated to bus any stamps / rom you ~ now or later. O If under 12 yes. old. check here for Booklet A Address • i City Zone... State f~| CHECK. HERE IF YOU WISH BIS- ' . l-J COVER KR AI.NUM, and e.uloae only; Si more. Sfamj’ magnifier and hinges in- ■ ; dudvd at no extra charge. Money back if . not delighted. Spaces for 1 1 .000 stamps. Hacked with pictures, des- eriptions of countries. 170 pages. Yours for only SI. FREE MAGNIFIER AND (STAMPHINGES ifyouactnow. TO GET NAMES FOR OUR MAILING LIST mm Treasure i JO , Chest OF l FROM PIRATB STRONGHOLDS! All DIFFERENT— colorful stamps from strange lands where pirates lived and looted-yours FREE!' f'| / | I MAGINE receiving — FREE — a whole “treasure chest” of stamps rate strongholds around the globe! Yes — absolutely FREE — stamps from Madagascar . . . Hong Kong . . . Barbados . . . the isles of St. Pierre and Miquelon . . . fabled pirate hideoqts of centuries ago! Captain Kidd and Black- beard hid their booty on these very islands. Most of these stamps are un- cancelled, making them all the more valuable! You also get 50 “Mystery” stamps -FREE! ALL DIFFERENT! Un- sorted. Who knows what treasures you’ll find among them! Also Free: “How to Collect Stamps.” Mail Coupon NOW Send coupon at once with 100 to cover mailing. Stamps and free copy of “How to Collect Stamps” will be sent to you immediately— IF YOU ACT AT ONCE! Other interesting offers included for your inspection. If coupon has # already been clipped, send name and address with 100 to: LITTLETON STAMP CO., Dept. 9-CB-34, Littleton, N. " Yes. this is your chance fo be the first in your neighborhood to have this realistic "weapon". It's an exact replica of the one used by the army and our marines in fierce hond-to-hand combat, to wipe out machine- gun nests, demolish trenches, "get" concealed snipers, defend against massed attack. Just cock the firing mechanism, load the cap and you're ready! Imagine — you're a marine creeping up on that machine-gun nest, your grenade is in your hand. You creep close, low. Now you're in range, you pull the safety pin with your teeth and throw! Bull's eye, right into the nest. Blast! The machine gun flies out broken. Now silence. Your bud- dies cheer — the advance starts up again! This grenade explodes 4 seconds after pull- ing pin as it strikes ground. Can't break. Heavy gauge steel firing mechanism. Uses standard caps. Can be exploded over and over. Comes complete with throwing instruc- tions.f Parents: This toy g renade |s com p letel y hormless! )Clip ad, write your name and ad- dress clearly in margin and send it with $1.00 plus 25c shipping charge,— cash, check or money order to: JOSELY CO Dept. G I 1472 Broadway, New York 36, N. Y. (Canadian Orders: Send SI .50 Postal Money Order) TEX RITTER WESTERN THE RANGER HEARD JASON... AND 'WHIRLED, HIS FOOT LASHING OUT. TEX RITTER WESTERN A SHEEPHERDER HEARD BLAINE AND MANAGED TO MOVE Qli 1 ETLV--HE FREED THE MAD MASTIFF, THEN... vtiH talk big, RANGER/ BUT IF MV HOUND VIAS LOOSE, VUH'D BE IN TROUBLE/ , VUH STOLE SHEEP TOO, BLAINE/ FURV TRAILED 'EM HERE/ VUH' RE UNDER ARREST- - SO'S VORE DOG/ I TRIED TUH KEEP VUH FROM DOIN' IT BLAI NE/ BLAINE'S MASTIFF SHOULD'VE BEEN KEPT AVIA V FROM THE SHEEP/ HE 'NAS PROBABLV TRAINED FOR HUNTIN’ r VARMI NTS- -'WHEN BLAINE SENT HIM j AFTER SHEEP TUH COVER UP HIS / RUSTLIN', THE POOR DOG JUST / DID 'WHAT HE'D BEEN TRAINED jC. TUH DO/ VORE LAME DOG 'NAS LOS 1 N 1 RITTER- -I HAD TUH SHOOT THE MASTIFF . . .1 KNO'N 'NHOSE DOG fl D I D THE DAMAGE Bk NO'N/ BLAINE' LL STAND TRIAL/ THE MISSING IEEP ARE IN HIS HERDS/ TEX RITTERWESTERN BENNy HUME DIDN'T CARE TO BE IN CRAGNILLE... HE HEARD IT WAS A ROUSH TOWN... WITH OR WITHOUT GUNS/. * I,,. SURE HOPE I PON'T BUMP INTO TROUBLE HERE.. NO (jUNS Allowed )N JUNcT»OM I'P BETTER LIE LOW T I Li, I CAN CATCH THAT NEXT TRAIN., .TOO BAP I HAVE . TO CHANGE TRAINS HERE „ gggfgBKl TEX RITTER WESTERN WHAT A CHARACTER/ HE RENTS A ROOM FOR JUST AN HOUR 6* LIT HE WAS WILLING TO PAV THE ^ WHOLE PAY RATE/ TAKE ROOM 4 ON THE 2np FLOOR. . MISTER. ... ALL RIGHT. I'LL JUST SIT QUIET-LIKE HERE UNTIL TRAIN-TIME,, MUST BE SOME REASON HE WANTS A ROOM WHEN - HE'S STAYING , I JUST AN HOUR ! 1 WAITING FOR , THE EXPRESS THRU KANSAS CITY ,, , WE'LL JUST RELIEVE HIAA OF HIS VALUABLES / 7CM M, I'LLDCI HC 3 OUI GOLP OR. CURRENCY /N HIS VALISE ANP WANTS K TO LIE LOW,,/ . ^ TEX RITTER WESTERN HE'S A WALKING ARSENAL/ LET'S GET OUT OF HERE/ AWP! W- WRONG ROOM/ tor-g SORRY/ tel GEE, I HOPE THOSE. MEN PON'T REPORT !' M CARRYING THESE GUNS WHICH ARE FOR -THE NATIONAL PISTOL MATCH IN KANSAS CITY/.^M LEX'S GET OUR HORSES OUT OF TOWN,, HE MIGHT 0E A MARSHAL' 3 - SEND THE COUPON, CORNER, AND MONEY (NO STAMPS) (ALLOW TWO WEEKS FOR DELIVERY.) 'Insert pumium ( CHARLTON JACKPOT U ( ) BOX 25 PALISADES PARK, N.J. <0 { SEE ILLUSTRATION - CUT OFF THE UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER (CDC, TITLE, STAR) FROM THE FRONT COVER. (1 COVER CORNER FOR EACH PRIZE) J r THIS Cm* lIMlieO tOTHEUHIttD STATK. ITS PQSSBsioNS. ANP CANADA. M1H5 MC »I. 1W ~I i as# a “Six-Gun Hero” Water Pistols “War at Sea" P-T Boat JET POWERED! ACTION PAST! TWO SIX-SUNS PLUS A SECRET "HIDE OUT' SLEEVE SUN! o-v SPOT THE RUSTLERS! MASNIFIES 2'/, TIMES! HI-POWER SLASSES! ONLY 25* AND I COVER CORNER t (ADD 5* EXTRA FOR CANADA) ONLY 25* AND I COVER CORNER ONLY 25<* AND I COVER CORNER’ (ADD 5* EXTRA FOR CANADA) (ADD 5* EXTRA FOR CANADA) “Outer Space” Map BE THE FIRST ONE ON YOUR STREET WITH A VALUABLE SPACE MAP! REAL SCIENTIFIC EDUCATIONAL \W$m'n INFORMATION! 4 United Nations Dolls Porsche Mercedes Each 7 y \ **** Q > I II 31/4" Tall ^ DRESSED IN THEIR NATIVE CLOTHES WITH MOVABLE ARMS AND LESS AND EYES THAT OPEN AND CLOSE! ONLY 50* AND I COVER CORNER (ADD 5 * EXTRA FOR CANADA) Free turning wheels ONLY 2SV AND I COVER CORNER (ADD 5f EXTRA FOR CANADA) , Wl/A ONLY 25V \>AaND I COVER CORNER (ADD 5V EXTRA FOR CANADA) “Attack” Water Submachine ^ Gun “Sweethearts’ a Personalized iA Silk Scarf ' CAN HIT AT^fe 20 FEET! HOLDS^I ALMOST h PINT! Shoots bullets And secret jet of water YOUR NAME ON RED. BLUE. YELLOW. OR WHITE SILK! LISHTNINS FAST! EASY TO LOAD! SENSATIONAL FOR ONLY 35* AND I COVER CORNER ONLY 50C •AND I COVER / CORNER (ADD 5c EXTRA FOR CANADA) V '■ y\ ONLY 35* AND I COVER CORNER (ADD Sc* EXTRA FOR CANADA) (ADD 5* EXTRA FOR CANADA) •SI Nuclear Powered Speedboat SET OF SIX WITH’ YOUR NAME. SCHOOL. .FRIEND'S." OR CLUB NAME! • ONLY 25* AND I COVER CORNER (ADD 5* EXTRA FOR CANADA) Personalized Set Of 6 Pencils CHRIS-CRAFT MODEL AND WATER SKIER! RUNS 5 MIN. ON ONE FUELING! ONLY 25* AND I COVER CORNER (ADD 5* EXTRA FOR CANADA) 33x50 Large Full Color “Space Adventures” Binoculars SPOT THE STARS AND PLANETS! THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN ENJOY THIS SET! GAME OF INDIA • DOG RACE • CHINESE CHECKERS • AND MANY. MANY MORE! 3 POWER! ^CHOICE OF* 1 ***®^ United states or world.' • (STATE CHOICE ON COUPON) 25* AND I COVER CORNER ONLY 50* AND I COVER CORNER (ADD 5* EXTRA FOR ONLY $1.00 AND I COVER CORNER (ADO S* EXTRA IP YQDMV^CANAPAI [CANADA^ (ADDS* EXTRA FORCANAOA) TEX RITTER WESTERN ... ANP REP COCHRAN HA P SWORN HE'P NEVER BE TAKEN ALIVE/ HE HAP NO MORE ROOM TO RUN //.THE CANYON WAS AT HIS BACK/ jm^iy|L1ir i iWI||lill l| ill III! II I IIIIIIIIMII TEX RITTER HAP REASONS OF HIS OWN FOR WHAT HE PIP,,. REP COCHRAN HAP NO TIME TO POPGE OR GET OFF ANOTHER SHOT/ THE LAWMAN'S HORSE THUNPEREP INTO COCHRAN'S ANP THEY WENT 'OVER THE L EPGE! THEY BOTH WENT OVER- THAT'S. FINE' THE LAW'LL WRITE IT OFF AS A LAWMAN LOST CHASIN' A FUGITIVE— NO ONE'LL — - KNOW I HAP A HANP IN IT' CONTINUED AFTER FOLLOWING PAGE W "MR. AMERICA" f "MR. UNIVERSE " CLANCY ROSS, world s test developed man. says- "You can be a mountain of mighty muscles — with power oorlng Out of every pore in your power-packed, jet-charged body' Oo what I did — what thousands of other Herculean Weider- trained champions did — follow weider as your leader — mad that coupon for your FREE TRIAL COURSE T00AYI CLANCY ROSS: Mass of power-laden muscles — mighty 20-inch arms. 50-inch chest, shoulders of Iron a yard wide! THE $10,000 CHALLENGE ONLY JOE WEIDER DARES TO MAKE! “The Muscle Builder Trainer of The Champions ONLY 7 SHORT WEEKS TO THAT DYNAMIC, RUGGED HE-MAN BODY YOU ALWAYS WANTED ADD 3 INCHES of steel-liki MUSCLES TO YOUR ARMS... ^ 4 "POWER PACKED” INCHES OF MUSCLES TO YOU Says JOE WEIDER, "The Muscle Builder" and “Trainer of the Champions” In half the time, with twice the ease, in the privacy of your own room, in just a few minutes daily, I will, through my TRIPLE- PROGRESSION COURSE, slap inches of steel muscles to your pipe-stem arms, pack your chest with power and size, give you life- guard shoulders, dynamic, speedy athletic legs — add Jet-Charged strength to every muscle in your body. I don’t care if you're short or tall, skinny or fat, office-worker, laborer, school-boy, or businessman, I must make a new virile he-man out of you, and also . . . help build "inner strength" that will give you that virile look, that women admire and men envy. Here's what I did fot Clancy Ross, one of the many thousands of weaklings I fumed into He-Men. A-C-T-l-O-N IS THE KEY TO STRENGTH! MAKE YOUR FIRST HE-MAN DECISION TO-DAY! Rush in this coupon for your free trial course. You have nothing to' lose but your weakness. Don’t miss this once-in-a lifetime opportunity LET ME PROVE TO YOU, AT MY OWN EXPENSE, EVERYTHING I SAY CAN BE DONE! FREE MUSCLE BUILDING TRIAL OFFER. Fill out coupon and mail to me. I’ll rush you my GIANT 48 page course, filled with exercises, training secrets, Heroic photos of mighty champions and private advice on how you can be- come a muscle -star fast! This sensational offer is good only to males between 13 and 65 in normal good health. JOE WEIDER Dept. 78-39 A 801 Palisade Avenue. Union City, N. J. Shoot the works, Joe! Rush me my FREE INTRODUCTORY I POWER-PACKED, MUSCLE-BUILDING COURSE. (I enclose only 10{ J to cover cost of handling and mailing:) I am under no obligation. NAME -■■■, AGE S ADDRESS i .ZONE I TEX RITTER WESTERN WHAT LEV TO THAT LAST TERRI BLE PLUNGE INTO THE RAPIPS — WHY WAS THE LAW AFTER A RANCHER LIKE REP COCHRAN? IT STARTER THE PAY BEFORE... , Y EAH-HE OFFEREP HALF WHAT IT l E> . — WORTH! . ^HE SEEMS TO BE THREATENIN' ME, TEX/ TALKS ABOUT MY KIP BROTHER ...SAYS IT 7 P BE A SHAME IF THE KIP (SOT HIMSELF , HURT IN THIS COUNTRY/ yr&sg® r PEKKER MAPE'YOU ANOTHER. OFFER FOR YOUR RANCH , REP? IF ANYTHING HAPPENS) THAT'S EXACT LY WHAT TO JACK, |'LL TEAR / PEKKER WOULP WANT. PEKKER APART/ >/ REP/ THEN YOU'P BE ^ JAILEP OR ON THE RUN ANP HE'P SET YOUR MBEBSUk, RANCH NO ONE SAW IT HAPPEN,., SOMEONE IN THE HOTEL HEARP A NOISE IN THE ALLEY ANP RAN OLJTSIPE... j get a poctorj tBR ANYHOW/^ HE/S 5TILL ALIVE BUT HE'S OUT COLP ! SOMEONE GO FOR l REP COCHRAN.' S* I'LL GET PEKKER FOR TH IS, TEX/ WHETHER SACK LIVES OR PIES. I'LL SET THE 'MAN WHO P/P IT' TEX RITTER WESTERN T HE POCTOfZ ARRIVE!? A MOMENT LATER.., TEX WAITER JUST LONG ENOUGH TO HEAR HIS FIRST OPINION ABOUT THE INJURE P MAN/ JACK COCHRAN WILL LIVE. BUT IF I PON / T GET TO „ PEKKER BEFORE REP / POES/'PEKKER WILL GET HURT/ ) HE'S NOT TOO BAP/ GOT A BAP KNOCK ON THE HEAP./, THE LAWMAN FOUNP PEKKER AT H/S FAVORITE/ TABLE IN THE GOLPEN BAR.,, , — ( — — X Re[7 thinks SO COCHRAN HAP AN ACCIPENV } YOU'RE RE- HOW POES THAT INVOLVE /WE, / SPONSIBLE 1 m MARSHAL? /SOMEHOW/ jygfrr- 7 , — K LAY LOW, / MR. PEKKER/ V v ■ ..1 / \ GIVE RB[? A W V ' 1 y V CHANCE TO H -A \COOL OFF/ y COCHRAN IS A FOOL, RITTER/ HE OWNS LANP I WANY ANP INTENP TO HAVE/ IF, BY H/S ACTIONS, HE BECOMES A FUGITIVE, HE'LL LOSE THAT LANP / ANP VOL/ CAN'T Ha- f KEEP IT FROM V. HAPPENING/ . IT'S HIS LAST PLAN THEN , TEX/ PEKKER'S RIGHT, TEX' STAMP AS/PE — /'Ml GONNA VENTILATE HU W RIGHT NOW/ REP, PEKKER WANTEC? YOU TO PO TH/S/ HE PLANNEP IT THIS WAY/. TEX R8TTER WESTERN THIS IS FOR WHAT HAPPENED TG MY BROTHER. JACK/ PEKKER PJPMT ANTICIPATE THAT.. WHEN THE SHOT 0OOME17/ HE ACTUALLY STA<30EReJ7 SACK AS THO HUT/ BUT IT WASNT COCHRANES COLT THAT WENT OFF/ ARREST HIM, RITTER/ ATT EMPTEP MURPER WILL PUT HIM BEHINP BARS FOR A LONG/ _ LONG TIME/ - Jsd SOMETIMES GENTS LIKE YOU USE THE LAW IN YOUR OWN INTERESTS/ PEKKER, BUT IT'LL EVEN OUT- IT ALWAYS DOES.' ' — — ■■ i — r YOUR PAY IS COM IN' SOON/ YOU MESSEP THINGS IIP/ REP/ I'VE GOT TO » TAKE YOU IN/ ^ TAKE THE TUMBLING FOOL AWAY RITTER/ a FREEZE, TEX/ PONT GO FOR THAT SIX- GUN/ THERE'S A SAPPLEP HORSE ACROSS •THE STREET/ REP/ ^ TEX RITTER WESTERN VO N'T VO IT, RE V: THEN HE WAS GONE,/, BUT TEX KNEW HE . WOULDN'T GET FAR/ YUH MAPS' SURE V — ■ HE GOT A SLOW \ . . NAG/ MISTER/ HE WON / T GET FAR ON THAT PLOW pony/ I'LL SEE Y UH POWN THE TRAIL SOMEWHERE/ , THE MAN WAS GONE«. SACK TO REPORT TO . PEKKER; I JUST FREEP COCHRAN/ BOSS/ > I STEEREP HIM TO THE — YOU'RE SLOWEST NAG IN TOWN/ ) SMART- WILEY/ WE'LL CATCH MM EASY/ -/ YOU GET A EAT ROUNP UP THE BOYS— MARSHAL RITTER WILL BE NEEPINS A POSSE TO TRACK COCHRAN POWN/ TELL THEM TO BE SURE UlTO PACK THEIR IA//AJCHES TERS/ YOU'LL HAVE TO TAKE US ALONG, RITTER/ IT'S YOUR . PLJTY TO SET COCHRAN — YOU CAN'T REFUSE ■V HELP IN TRACKING HIM POWN AMP ■MB®?’ YOU KNOW IT/ f WHAT IF I, QON'T WANT HELP/ PEKKERR V TEX RITTER WESTERN COCHRAN IS GUILTY ACCORDIN' . TO THE LAW — BUT PEKK£R * IS THE REAL CRIMINAL/ I'VE GOT TO SAVE irf . 7 ^, A*. .-J^S cochran ! REP COCHRAN HAP A MEASER FIFTEEN MINUTE APVANTA<3E„/THE POSSE, MOUNTER ON FRESH, FAST HORSE S, CUT THAT DOWN CtfJfCKLY/ cochran / ll throw a FEW slugs ■O.CIR WAY- THAT'LL 0E AlLTHEjgmgA EXCUSE WE NEED TO PO WHAT PEKKER WANTS/ COCHRAN'S LUMBERING HORSE WAS NO MATCH FOR THEIRS,,, A SECOND LATER, PEKKER ANP HIS MEN WERE FIRING HOLD IT, RED! GIVE UP — VOL HAVEN'T GOT A CHANCE/ ^ I'LL SHOOT THE NEXT MAN WHO PIPES AT MY PRISONER. 'STOP THEM, PEKKER/^^l hold it, &°VS.' TEX RITTER WESTERN I'M NOT, ' YOU J KNUCKLE- HEAP/ , PON'TCOME TOO CLOSE/ TEX: I NEVER. THOUGHT KP GEE YUH COIN' PEKKER'S rasTl pirty work/ , &UT YOU'RE A LAWMAN! EVEN PEKKER WON'T PARE TAKE A CRACK - gr AT you' VOU WERE RIGHT ASOUr PEKKER, REP/ IF I EVER GET &ACK TO TOWN, I'M GOIN' TO SEE THAT HIS WINGS ARE CLIPPEP ' SUT IT MAY NOT SE EASY FOR EITHER OF US TO SO ^ ANYWHERE/ YOU'P SETTER RIPE OUT OF HERE, RITTER: WE'LL SPREAP THE , WORP THAT WE itf|| CAUGHT UP WITH H COCHRAN A NP HE RES IS TEP MWmbt** ARREST/ A®;,. I'LL PICK YUH UP SOMEWHERE REP/ GO ON, /VIA N / _ / THAT MAN IS A CRIMINAL, RITTER/ YOU'VE SWORN TO UPHOLP THE LAW.',^ THAT'S RIGHT, PEKKER, AN' I W/LL' &UT I'LL PO IT MY OWN WAY/ CONTINUED AFTER FOLLOWING PAGE EACH GUN BOX CONTAINS 30 Cavolrymen 30 Infantrymen 18 Shorpshoo'c 6 Stout* 6 Officer* 8 field Cannon^ 6 Hospital Hursts 6 Gatling Machine Guns 6 Hospital wagons /'r 6 Coast Mortars 4 Buglers ,’,1 6 Sergeants 3 Meirimac Ships 3 Monitor ships JOSEIY CO.. Dept. W-6B Carle Place tong Island, N. Y. NO HERE'S MY $1.49! C.O.D.'s Rush the CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS TO ME! Name Address State Canadian orders send S1.75 postal money order SAVe'/sJL'SDmFRamAir 'Tryv*. You’ll never buy for less! Rush coupon for exciting FREE Colo EBjis i i BONUS GIFTS fuse! Howe Study Course Nome in Chrome letters Deluxe Music Stond Bellows Protector Year's Supply of Music Fide Quolity Currying Cose lifetime Guarantee M«sic Portfolio buy for less! Rush coupon for exciting FREE Color Catalog of latest model brand new Imported Italian Accor- dions. You’ll save one half — or more — by ordering NOW! Get FREE 5-DAY PLAYING TRIAL with positive money back guarantee. If you decide to keep it, pay only pennies a day on amazing easy terms. We are America’s largest exclusive direct 'accordion dealer. We buy for less— and pass our savings on to jj'you. Each accordion bears the famous brand name of an out- standing manufacturer— each is hand selected for quality and superior tone. Each accordion carries our LIFETIME WAR- RANTY! More than 30 brand new models to choose from. Accordions for beginners up to magnificent professional in- struments. Personal help in selection if desired. Trade-ins accepted. Get in on the fun and popularity only an accordion can give you. SEND COUPON TODAY. FREE COLOR CATALOG RUSH THIS COUPON TODAY! I Rush coupon ot once | for big new FREE | Color Catalog and | new low wholesale | price list. No obliga- | tion. Write today. | I Accordion Manufacturers and Wholesalers Outlet ! j 2003 W. Chicago Ave:, Dept. CO-19 .Chicago 22, III. | Send FREE Color Catalog and Wholesale price list. | 1 | State 1 1 TEX RITTER WESTERN I've GOT TO GET REP, TAKE HI M PACK TO TOWN ANP GET HIM IN A CELL-/ THATS THE SAFEST « PLACE FOR Hl/W T/LL | GET ^ PEKKER UNPER CONTROL ' 1 agj THE MARSHAL WORKER FAST- HE GOTABOARP H/S OWN HORSE, THEN HAZEP THE REST OP A COULEE/ THAT LEFT PEKKER ANP HIS GANG gjimiia Mi, AFOOT ... GO AFTER THOSE HORSE'S/ WE'RE ) JIhHHHHI GO/NG AFTER COCHRAN ANP RITTER 30TH! / ' THEY'RE CLOSE,,.- - TOO CLOSE/ THERE WON'T BE TIME FOR TALK— THERE'S ONLY ONE THIN© TO Po/ THAT P/P IT/ -NOW TEX KNEW THAT RIVER,,, HE' P FIGURED IT CAREFULLY AS HE CHARGED COCHRAN,,, THEY WENT OYER,,,/ THEY'RE BOTH OUT OF MY HAIR/ ^ jS TEX RITTER WESTERN THERE WAS A WIPE PEEP POOL BENEATH THAT LEPGE,,,BOTH MEN NVENT PEEP/ FIGHTING THE TURBULENT CURRENTS,,, ^ WHITE FLASH MAPE IT ALL RIGHT/ WHERE'S REP? ^ LOOKS LIKE SCAREP ALL THE FIGHT OUT OF v YOU TOO./ > / HAVEN'T EVEN^ GOT A GUN AFTER THAT HIGH P/VE/ YOU CRAZY GALOOT YOU SCAREP THE L/FE OUT OF ME/ ' C WE'VE GOT TO ^ ROUNP UP PEKKER ANP HI S GANG, REP/ HERE'S TO T SO AHEAP/ PEKKER-IT'LL BE CR IME/ BOYS/J YOUR LAST ONE FOR A LONG/ ^ LONG T/ME/ YOU'RE UNPER ARREST FOR ATTEMPTING — - , TO SHOOT ME ifg&r ; j 1 ANPAV ^ ■' ’/ f V prisoner/ THEIR HORSES WERE ALL RIGHT ,,, REP COCHRAN FOUNP THAT HE WAS PROBABLY GOING TO WINP UP I NdAIL, HE FOLLOWED \T EX FITTER INTO TOWN,,, GO PAST THE JAIL. PICK UP A SHOTGUN ANP A COLT THERE, THEN SWING AROUNP BE- HINP THE GOLPEN BAR/ I'M GOIN' THERE NOW/^^H OKAY/ T EX- BUT PON'T PO ANYTHIN© TILL I GET Bbrt THERE/, TPY PITTFR WESTERN LET'S TAKE YM, BOSS/ HE'S THE FIGHTING MARSHAL HAP TROUBLE— PEKKER LEP THE I GET, RA/P TO TAKE CHANCES WITH GENTS A LIKE YOU, PEKKER/ COCHRAN WAS ALREAPY UNPER ARREST REMEMBER? I PIP IT ^ ALONE,,, THE PAY J'LL NEEP HELP W/TH A FOURFLUSHERS LIKE YOU JS THE PAY I'LL y ^ TAKE OFF MY BA POE/ ' RIGHT HERE ALL THE TIME — ( CAME OVER TO GET A GUN LIKE TEX SAIP ANP HIS PEPUTY LOCKEP ME UP/ TEX ROUNPEP UP ^ YOUR BUNCH ALL ALONE/ PEKKER/ Sheriff Max Ellard was doing his best to checks his temper. Thirty years of wearing the star on his vest had taught him a lot about self control. But the situation he faced was some- thing different. He turned to the young man in his office. "If you have been sent to take over my duties, then tell me so. Or you show me where in any- way I have been negligent. I still maintain that Chief Geronimo and his braves have been raiding the silver wagons. The fact that we haven’t been able to catch him surely isn’t my fault. Especially when you have more than five thousand troops ih the field looking for him and they can’t locate him.” In spite of his youthful appearance, Dan Cranmer had a very capable head on his shoulders. For that reason he has been sent to Silver City to check on the raids that were tak- ing place on the silver wagon. "You go right ahead and do whatever you have been doing,” he smiled. "There is no con- flict of authority. We both want to stop those raids, and we are going' to succeed. However, since the silver was purchased for the United States Government and headed towards the mint in California, you can see why they sent me.” "Well, well,” interrupted a charming femi- nine voice, "you must be the United States Secret Service operator that has been sent to our town. As a woman I surely am curious to meet him in person. Also to ask him some questions.” "My daughter, Amelia,” introduced the sheriff. "And the gentleman with her is Howard Menge, owner of the Menge Silver Mine which sells to the United States Government. Dan Cranmer of the United States Secret Service.” "Well, it can’t be very secret if everybody in town already knows you are here,” teased the charming Amelia as she tossed her blond hair over her left shoulder. "They say a woman can’t keep a secret. But why wasn’t your identity kept a secret?” "Because it wasn’t felt necessary,” was the unexpected answer. "When conditions . arise where secrecy is important then the identity of our operator is unknown.” "I hope you get those raiders,” added How- ard Menge. "They are getting bolder and bolder. Next Monday we send out three wagons full of silver and an escort of thirty armed men. Sheriff Ellard will be with us. Are you also coming?” "Try to keep me away,” challenged the young government operator. "I will be there when you leave. Meanwhile I have some matters which need my personal attention. Should anybody be looking for me, I have a room at the Silver City Hotel.” Saying that, the young man left and Amelia gave him a parting glance. Then she turned to her companion. "He seems so certain of himself that he is a bit annoying,” she commenced. "When you are young, I guess you are that way,” was the reply of Howard Menge. "Per- haps some things only come with experience.” For the next four days, Dan Cranmer was absent from Silver City. He rode to Fort Sill where he attended an important conference of government and army officials. "If Chief Geronimo is making those raids,” ' he said to the men present, "we have rfiysteries to clear up. Why does he raid only some of the time instead of always? What is he doing with the silver? Why are these raids so planned that we haven’t been able to shoot a single raider? Or even capture one? Why are they so desir- ous of keeping up an apparent record of not killing a single person? Or of being killed? "I think these are all related. If we can get an answer any place, we will have a clue. We will put into effect the plan we discussed.” "If it works,” said Colonel .Manning, "we will have a new kind of weapon to use in desert warfare. My men will follow your instructions.” Dan Cranmer returned to Silver City. He was present when they assembled the armed escort for the silver wagons. To his surprise, Amelia was with her father. "Just a woman’s intuition,” was her explana- tion. "I just feel that something different is going to happen and I want to be present.” They all rode slowly to the West and by nightfall were on the edge of the great American Desert. Armed guards did sentry duty during the night. In the morning, Dan Cranmer set up a mirror on a tripod. He had a bowl of water, some soap and a straight edge razor. It took him about five minutes to get the mirror set so he could shave. Some of the guards couldn’t help laughing. "Wonder why he wants to be so clean shaven?” remarked Joe Hooper. "Think it is because we have the daughter of the Sheriff with us?” "You ask a question and then you answer it,” remarked Hal Winters dryly. Saves a lot of energy when you are tired.” Apparently Dan Cranmer had brought a lot of extra clothing with him. Each day he shaved and was dressed as though he was doing his best to make an impression upon a certain young lady. "I’m waiting for an invitation to dine out,” Amelia teased him when they had been out on the desert for six days. "We could set up a table. But alas I forgot to bring an evening gown with me.” Dan Cranmer laughed. He was conscious of the fact that by this time the men accepted his shaving and daily change of clothing as nothing important. They had more important things on their minds. "When we get across the desert and reach Dulmon’s Crossing,” he told Amelia, "it will be a pleasure to invite you out to eat.” Each evening the wagons were formed into a sort of protective fort. The tongue of one wagon was tied to the back of another. For in addition to the three wagons of silver there were eight wagons full of supplies for the men. It was impossible to keep all the horses inside the corral thus formed. So most of the horses had to be kept outside and they were hobbled. Then on the tenth night the mysterious raiders struck. Fire arrows hit the wagons and the horses ran away. There were shots in the air. Some remained to fight the fire. Others tried to recapture the horses. Sheriff Max Ellard, the mine owner, Dan Cran- mer, and five others had their horses and tried to go after the raiders, but to no avail. The night was dark. When they returned they heard the sad news. "Some of those Injuns doubled back,” lam- ented Hal Winters. "They took most of the silver from the wagons. Tied us up. Took me half an hour to get opt of my bonds.” In the morning most of the missing horses were found and brought back. Sadly the group continued their journey across the aesert. Little things annoyed the men. Dan Cranmer still in- sisted on taking his morning shave. "By this time you ought to be able to set up the mirror in a minutfc,” commented the Sheriff. ' "You always take so long.” "Go and grow a beard,” suggested Howard Menge. "You failed to protect the silver.” "I’m not so sure I failed,’* was the unexpected reply. "Take a look at the dust. We will have visitors soon.” In twenty minutes » a .group of mounted sol- diers, some Indians, and fifteen white men whose hands were bound, all rode into camp. Colonel Manning walked right up to Howard Menge. At a signal, his soldiers leveled their rifles at all present. "It looked like a fool proof idea, didn’t it, Mr. Menge,” began the army officer. "Your mine was running out of silver. You stole your own shipments and collected from the United States Government. Then resold the stolen silver.- You supplied , the armed guards who were in on the deal apd planned it so nobody could be caught or hurt. You didn’t dare take a chance. t "We had Chief . Geronimo helping us. He offered to surrender 'last month. So as a test of good faith we told*him to help us. He ringed the desert edge with his braves. We knew every move you made.” Later when they reached Dulmon’s Crossing, Dan Cranmer took Amelia out to dine. But she was puzzled. "You didn’t shave? Why not?” "No need to,” he explained. "I really didn’t want to shave. What you saw me doing wasn’t just shaving. I was signaling with the mirror. An idea that, came from India. It is called a Heliograph. The flashes were the dots and dashes from the Morse Code. And the answers were brief so they could hardly be noticed. That’s how I kept the Colonel informed and he let me know what was taking place.” "Go take a shave or I don’t dine out,” she challenged. "For my future wife, I shave,” he replied. Which he did. THE END TEX RITTER WESTERN TUB mmemw THE PRARtE RANGER HAD SPOTTED WHI TES BRIGGS RIDING INTO TOWN—THE OWL HOOTER LAID LOW, THEN HE SNEAKED INTO THE ALLES BACK OF THE BANK/ TEX RlTfER HASN'T FAR BEHIND HIM"" BRIGGS HAD LEFT THE 'WINDOW 'WIDE OPEN FOR THE RANGER TO FOLLOW . . . WHITES BRIGGS MAS HAVE PLANNED IT THAT WAS — HE'D ALWASS HATED THE PRARIE RANGER/ ANSHOW, HE WAS IN THERE AT THE VAULT’'" HE SAW TEX AND ' TEX RITTER WESTERN S I XTW MILES SOUTH. DADE BRIGGS VIAS ENJOSING A DAS OFF- -HE GOT THE NE'WS FROM AN OUTLA'W PAL OF HIS BROTHERS/ MS BROTHER, DADE* LL GET SUH FOR THIS, RITTER/ I TOLD • IM SUH 'WERE , AFTER > ME/ ) DADE • S AN / HONEST MAN , / 'WHITES/ HE / 'WON'T BE DUMB ENOUGH TO GET I N TROUBLE OVER SOU/ DID SUH HEAR 'BOUT IT, DADE? TEX RITTER FRAMED SORE BROTHER, THEN SHOT ' IM DO'WN 'WITHOUT GIN IN' . — - HIM A CHANCE/ IF IT'S LIRE SUH SAID, I'LL GET ENEN. ONE 'WAS OR ANOTHER, I'LL GET TEX R I TTER/ y SOU LIE/ 'WHITES'S NOT IN TROUBLE AGAIN/ 'SIDES, TE) IS SQUARE --HE 'WOULDN'T FRAME 'WHITES/ I ASX ANSBODS-- ASX TIWE MARSHAL HERE IN TO'WN / HE'LL TELL S'JH/ SUH HAVEN'T SEEN DADE AROUND, HUH? IF SUH DO SEE ' IM, TELL ' IM TEX RITTER 'WAS V LOOXIN' FOR • IM/ HEARING THE NE'WS, THE PRARIE RANGER RODE SOUTH TO SEE DADE BRIGGS/ HE 'WANTED TO SET HIM STRAIGHT. . DADE'S TOO GOOD A MAN TO TURN O'WLHOOTER/ HE'LL LISTEN IF I GIVE HIM THE STRAIGHT STORS ON 'WHAT HAPPENED/ b TEX RITTER WESTERN I'LL LET TEX RITTER FIND ME- BUT I'LL HASE SOME CASH TUH RUN FOR THE BORDER ON ME 'WHEN I DO/ GET LOST--I-M GONNA 'WORK ALONE/ HE DIDN'T TRS' ; TO HIDE HIS TRAIL-- NOT EVEN AFTER HE FOUND THE TEN- THOUSAND DOLLARS IN BILLS IN THE STRONG BOX/ HE 'WANTED , ,-^p. TEX RITTER TO FIND HIM...} HE ^ HHRiP OUGHTA BE NEAR BS NO'W i HOSS/ RITTER w DON • T LOSE TIME ON A TRAIL/ DADE BRIGGS PICKED A STAGE COACH' HE DIDN'T KNO'W HOW MUCH HE'D GET- HE DIDN'T CARE / TOSS THAT STRONGBOX DO'WN' SUH STAS ABOARD/ THE FOLKS INSIDE STAS PUT M TOO / G I T DO'WN , R l TTI GIT DO'WN AN S FIGHT/ DADE'S HOPIN' I'LL CATCH HIM/ HE 'WANTS A SHOOT-OUT/ THERE'S ONLS ONE THING I CAN DO/ ' CONTINUED AFTER FOLLOWING PAGE Mv MOBILE \ Over 6 Ft. 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I will pay postman plus a few cants postage NAME ADDRESS gatherings No 747 TEX RITTER WESTERN THAT'S 'NHW I 'NANT TUH TALK, DADE/ PUT THAT GUN A'NAW / DADE HAD A BEAD ON THE MARSHAL- - HE'D SET A TRAP AND TEX RITTER HAD RIDDEN RIGHT INTO IT/ BUT HE COULD NOT PULL THE TRIGGER/ p-t ST AW BACK i TEX/ WUH FRAMED MW BROTHER- -WUH' RE NOT GONNA TAKE ME I N TUH JAI L/ WUH WON'T SHOOT, I PUT THAT GUN A'NAW AND LET'S TALK/ r THE PRARIE RANGER HAD HIS MAN NERWOUS, UNCERTAI N--BUT STILL DANGEROUS/ HE 'NAS NEAR THE ROCKS VNHEN HE DOWE FOR COWER/ THAT'S NOT 'NHAT I HEARD/ DON'T COME ANW w CLOSER/ I CAUGHT WORE BROTHER RIGHT INSIDE THE 'BANK , DADE / DID WUH KNO'N THAT? I 'N I NGED MM 'WHILE HE SHOT THREE TIMES AT ME/ ^ I SHOOT I.N* ON SIGHT, RITTER/ RITTER--WUH STILL THERE? IT'S WOU OR ME NO'N , RITTER/ WOU TRICKED ME--THERE 1 LL BE NO MORE TALK IN*/ TEX RITTER WESTERN TOO LATE, DADE/ HERE I COME / IT WAS A SIMPLE RUSE... AND IT WORKED BEAUTIFULLY/ I SEE YUH--YUH CAN 1 T MAKE A SUCKER OUTA ME/ HOLD IT, RITTER/ ) IT WAS ALMOST YUH GOT ME/ J THE OTHER WAY AROUND, DADE/ WH' SNB DIDN'T YUH PULL THE ■B Mnn TRIGGER WHEN YUH HAD THE CHANCE? BOYS! GIRLS! LADIES! MEN! 22-CAU8RC RlflES rWNCil POUCH JEWEL boxes :hooi BAG wTshoi oaist .A'S RlfllS kSTRawmirAt' TELESCOPE HOPALONG CASSIDY TRAIL KNIFE ICE SKATES ■ ALARM CLOCK ItOW A ARROW ELECTRIC (.BLANKET ^^THROME I WRIST WATCHl BLACK CAMEO SET TASLE TENNIS SET VESSIREE, A REAL | ROY ROGERS LIVE PONY FOR .FLASH’ CAMERA YOUR VERY OWNt MLruby ■P . TONE PENCIL RING SHARPENEF OONr PUAYf DOLLS BASKET BALL' gk \ OUTFIT] ELECTRIC POP-UP TOASTER 'AMERICAN ACE HARMONICA SATELLITE TELESCOPE ELECTRIC >DEEP PRYERS am $ free [electric SHAVER hWAGONSi |0KUlEl£S CATCHER'S J MITT A 'THE TlRSr* p ‘ #,t> buddy ■baomintcn W SET 5ASEBALL AND BAT^ Vy. ’WALLETS FlElOER’S\ fey GLOVE. 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