BREATHTAKING ACTION STORIES APPROVED BY THE COMICS CODE AUTHORITY -JUNE A CHARLTON PUBLICATION WESTERN « tnufflM 1 *! We will send you the wonderful prizes pictured on this page or dozens of others, such as jewelry, radium dial wrist watches, tableware, tools, air-rifles. IJ-Make-lt kits, leather kits, sewing kits, electric clocks, pressure cookers scout equipment, model airplanes, movie machines, record players, and many others all WITHOUT ONE FENNY OK COST You don't risk or invest a cent — we send you everything you need ON TRUST Here's how easy it is Merely show your friends ten and neighbors inspiring, beautiful Religious Wall Motto plaques Many buy six or even more to hang in every room / , An amazing value, only 35c sell on sight You can make big [ | cash commissions or get many exciting prizes for selling just I one set of 24 Mottos Other prizes for selling 2 sets or more l ' Write today for Big Prize catalog sent to you FREE \ SEND NO MONEY-Mfe Trust You! $1,0000? IN v EXTRA PRIZES! prizes page ig just i HVf W1SURN- COWBOY HORSE _^C0CA£R SPANIft «•;. life prize- win' All detail- free along we Mottos I send you on credit ?l INCH f t»sei a A a It 10 R GIRL'S • BICYCLL - Here’s How Too Get Tour Prise* Kush your name and ( p ^ 1YHWH1H w mmwm* flirr Membership in ■ REE FUNman's FunClub EXTRA! Sell mottos and send payment within 15 day s. and I'll give you/rcc a year's Member- ship in the FUNman's Fun Club. Membership card, certificate, secret code. giant packet of fun materialsall yours- p/u » extra surprises' pTheFUNman.0ept.M 109.rnrr BIG PRIZE~1 tHiHHKf 5726 N Broadway. Chicago 40. Ill iKtt CATALOG on !5 dayscredit 24 Religion;, Wall Mottos. > Also include big Prize Catalog FREE I | amount required as explained in BIG PRIZE i . CATALOG within 3U days and select the prize I want, or | I keepacash commission as explained. INCLUDE DETAILS ■ | OF HOW I MAY WIN THE EXTRA BIG PRIZES * SEND NO MONE Y - We Trust You ! > " The FUNman. Dept. M-109, 5726 N. Broadway. Chicago 40. Illinois mt Slate ) TEX RrrTER WESTERN Volume 1, Number 41 JUNE, 1968 Published Quarterly by Charlton Royal Comics, Inc. Executive offices and office of publication, Charlton Building, Derby, Conn. Second Class Mailing privileges authorized at the Post Office at Derby, Conn. Price per copy 10c. Subscription 12 issues SI. 20. Copyright 1958 by Charlton Royal Comics, Inc. Pat Masulli, Executive Editor. This magazine has been produced and sold subject to the restrictions that it shall only be resold at retail as pub- lished and at full cover price. It is a violation of these stipulations for this magazine to be offered for sale by any vendor in a mutilated condition, or at less than full cover price. (Printed in U.S.A.) TEX RITTER WESTERN "iT BEGAN WITH BUSHWHACK LEAD X/VO -< SMSi-L OF TREACHERY IN THE AIR' IT CONTINUED WITH A STRANGE TWISTED HATE AND AN UNSEEN ATTACKER/ INTO THIS PUZZLE TEX RITTER RODE ON HIS GREAT WHITE { STALLION AND WITH THE WONDER DOG. FURY, TROTTING ]Ar HIS SIDE... AND IT TOOK A •LOT OF SIX-GUN ACTION L BEFORE THE PIECES OF THE RIMFIRE JUSTICE PUZZLE PELL. INTO PLACE C FURY, I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOUR WARNING/ GET TO, s. COVER, Boy / HOOP BEATS/ RECKON THEY TOOK OFF FAST WHEN THEIR FIRST SHOTS MISSED /___-( LET'S TAKE A LOOK ffp. V OVER THERE./ J%3®. THE DEADLY ROAR OP HIS GUMS HELPED H/M REACH COVER WITHOUT iHJURy... STAY IN THE TREES/ WHITE FLASH/ DOWN, FURY/ BIG- CASE AT THE COURTHOUSE.' FRED FALEN, PARTNER TO JUDD CARTON IN SAGEBRUSH'S BANK* WAS FOUND KILLED . UP AT the mountain two * DAVS A5 °.' THEY GOT THAT RENEGADE IMJUN WHAT DONE IT AN' FESS McCABE'S TRYlN' THE CASE/ HE’S FROM THE EAST./ HE 'LL FIS THAT ARAPAHO BUT GOOD' TSX RODS NORTH AND TWO PAYS LATER ARRIVED AT TUB TOWN OP SAGEBRUSH' WHAT'S GOIN' ON, FRIEND ? V * - TEX SCOUTED THE COYER FROM WHICH THE BUSHWHACKERS HAD STRUCK.' MOCCASIN TRACKS... AND I CAUGHT A GLIMPSE OF FEATHERED HEADS DURING THE AMBUSH ' BUT, THESE BUZZARDS WHERE RIDING ' SHOD HORSES WHICH AN INDIAN DOESN'T, AN' SWOOTlN' RlMFIRE > RIFLES AS THIS SHELL SHOWS,, AN' INDIANS DON'T HAVE RECKON WHAT I'VE GOT TO SAY MIGHT HELP IN THIS CASE/ NOW I KNOW WHY THOSE . ^ BUSHWHACKERS SHOT J l AT ME / . . J * TIX RITTER WESTERN MOCCASIN TRACKS WERE FOUND AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME/ THIS INDIAN WAS SEEN LEAVING SAGEBRUSH SOON AFTER THE MURDERED MAN A LEFT/ f - — -n rr -, — M F RED WAS NOT JUST A PARTNER, HE WAS MY FRIEND AN" X WANT TO ' SEE THE MAN WHO DID \ THIS PUNISHED TO THE FULL EXTENT/ OF THE LAW ' ' M 'Z PROMISE YOU HE WILL BE/ THANK YOU, MR. CARTON. X NOW CALL THE DEFENDANT, k NITCHI, THE ) ^ARAPAHO/ J COMB FORWARD w TH#N J JUST A MINUTE/ X CAN SUPPLY SOME EVIDENCE IN THIS w CASE, YOUR > \ HONOR/ THIS LAWYER PESS McCABE SURE DOES HATE/ HE'S GOIN' TO HANG , jr THAT YOUNG BUCK/ A ARE WE TO TAKE THE WORD OF A STRANGER OVER THE EVIDENCE OF OUR EVES P THIS MANS EVIDENTLY A TROUBLE^ MAKER... A RENEGADE y WORSE THAN AN INDIAN/ / \ I SAY NITCHI IS V GUILTY/ ) T^m> TEX' TOLD H IS STORY OR THE AMBUSH AND HIS FINDINGS... ... SO' X OPINE IT WAS MORE THAN ONE MAN DOWNED THIS BANKER AN' a THEY WERE WHITE MEN, NOT INDIANS/ THE HOSS TRACKS AN' THIS RIMFIRB SHELL ^ PROVES THAT/ ^^^B Rocker EACH FOOT LOCKER CONTAINS: JOSELY CO., Dept. TCH-30 1472 Broodway New York 36, N. Y. I HEBE'S MY $1.25! C, Rush the TOY SOLDIERS TO ME! 8 Mochinegvnnere 4 Bomber. 8 Sharpthooten 4 Truck* 4 Infantrymen 8 Jet Plane* 8 Officer* 8 Cannon 8 Waves 4 Bazookam 8 Wacs 4 Marksmen 4 Tank* 4 Jeep* 4 Battleship* 4 Cruiser* 4 Sailors 4 Riflemen TEX RITTER WESTERN LISTEN, YOU TROUBLE/ IN MV OWN GOOD MAKER, WE DON'TV TIME, MISTER UKE YOUR KIND NOBODY GIVES BUTTIN' INTO OUR V ME ORDERS.' BUSINESS/ GET ON - — ■< YOUR HORSE AN' JAV . RIDE J ifi -WK' H ...ANp WITH THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED BEFORE ME , I FIND YOU GUILTY S AND SENTENCE , YOU TO DEATH/ / ALU RIGHT/ YOU ASKED FOR IT/ YOU PICKED THE WRONG MAN TO PUSH/ YOU . BUZZARDS*/ DROP > V THAT GUN AN'^X I'LL CALL ' OR F THE ) WHAT'S GOIN' ON HERE ? WE'LL HAVE NO VIOLENCE IN THIS TOWN/ NOW j L, BREAK IT UP/ Jk ' STRANGER/ I'M ONLY THE SHERIFF./ ^ L I HEARD YOUR \ ' EVIDENCE IN COURT AN' T BELIEVE IT/ i BUT THERE'S / NOTHIN' I CAN / s. OOI . VOU DON'T SEEM TO HAVE ANY ^ JUSTICE IN THIS TOWN EITHER/ J TEX RITTER WESTERN TBX TOOK A ROOM AT TAB HOTEL/ AS LEFT FURY THERE AND WENT TO THE STABLE TO CHECK ON WHITE FLASH.' N/GHT HAD FALLEN ANO THE STABLE WAS DARK. 'SUDDCNLy FROM BEH/NO WHEN TEX CAME TO HE WAS TIED HAND AND FOOT... OHHH, MY HEAP/ BETTER EE CAREFUL.... ANY KIND OF MOVEMENT COUL-D SET THESE WILD- EYED LONGHORNS TO TROMPlN ' ME / FURY/ EON, AM I GLAP TO SEE YOU.' MUST'VE SENSED I WAS IN TROUBLE AN' JUMPED THROUGH THE WINDOW/ EASY BOY, SLOW... DON'T SPOOK THESE CATTLE/ ‘YOU'VE GOT TO LOOSEN THESE THONGS... . — THE SHARP TEETH OF THE INTELLIGENT DOG MADE SHORT WORK OF THE LEATHER THONGS' THE STEERS SHIFTED UNEASILY THEN , SCENTING THE DOG WENT WILD... DIDN'T HAVE ANY TIME TO SPARE , TRAIL HIM, FURY/ THOSE MUST 8E THE TRACKS OF THE HOMBRE WHO PUT MB HERE, FIGURIN' THE TROMPlN' WOULD CUT UP THOSE LEATHER M r? TIES AN' IT'D LOOK M f LIKE AN ACCIDENT YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT. CALL THIS , s WOLF OFF.' GET ME/ YOU DIDN'T ) WANT ME TO TALK/ U THAT MEANS YOU ^ .... PARTNER KILLED YOUR OR HAD HIM KILLED ON THE MOUNTAIN. TEX RITTER WESTERN TALK, V A... ALL RIGHT.' FRED FOUND CAR TOM, OR\ OUT I WAS STEALING THE I'LL GIVE K BANK MONEY TO COVER FURY THE P GAMBLING LOSSES X HIRED WORD TO / TWO GUNMEN AN' WE t GET YOU 'A DRESSED AS INDIANS AND ' y\ FOLLOWED HIM TO THE r \ MOUNTAIN/ YOU KNOW THE JAJ REST/ NOW CALL OFF THE / dog/ a . — MAYBE I CAN'T/ g I RECKON ILL LET FURY WORK YOU OVER/ I AM BRAVE EAGLE, CHIEF OF THE • ARAPAHOES/ THIS MAN VOU CALL McCABE IS MY SON/ HE TOOK HIS MOTHER'S NAME AND WENT EAST TO BECOME A^ I CAN ANSWER THAT/ SO YOU WEREN'T IN ON THIS AT ALL/ BUT WHY DID YOU TRY TO ^ HANG THAT YOUNG 1 BUCK.' WHY ARE YOU 1 SO VENGEFUL? A AND I'M SURE YOU'LL BE WELCOMED V BACK/ y I AM ASHAMED/ THIS ], FALSE HATE HAS / MADE ME LESS OP *sj A MAN/ I'M GOING BACK TO MY PEOPLE TO REGAIN MY . INTEGRITY AND S MANHOOD / / ) YOUR THINKIN' HAS, < BEEN TWISTED, < P McCABE/ A MAN SHOULD BE PROUD TO BOAST THAT THE BLOOD OF THE T --'' .NOBLE REDMAN V \ RUNS IN HIS / VEINS! y WHAT HE DIDN'T KNOW IS THAT NlTCHl. IS X* MY SON ALSO/ y McCABE'S HATE / ALMOST SENT HIS /■ L HALF- BROTHER to V \ ^■.,1 im -ir "r A T u, \ TEX RITTER WESTERN / CODER'S TRAIL WAS EASY TO FOLLOW. . . THROUGH THE CANYON, ACROSS THE BURNING AYES/?, THE PR AIR/E RANGER HAP HO TROUBLE FOLLOWING THE LIGHTNING' FAST GUNMAN/ HE KNEW A TRAP LAY AHEAO A TRAP HE HAO TO WALK INTO OR REMOVE THE BADGE HEP ALWAYS VYORNf I'M fAKlN' The whole por, apper/ two PRISONERS anp The CASH/ -That money can clear yuh, Pl-rYEC? • COME AN' GET lT • GET HIM, spik-e • we keep -the cash an' Ripe FREE WHEN HE'S GONE 1 j*0 I NEVER BLUPF, APOER / A MONTH BEFORE THAT TRAIL ENDED IN VIOLENCE, TEX RITTER HAD BEEN ON ANOTHER DANGEROUS MISSION f NILES ADDERtS BROTHER, DAVE, WAS H/S TARGET THEN . . ■ GIVE UP. . PAVE/ X GOT VUM PlNNEP POWN , RlTTER./ YO'RE Bluffin'/ , TEX RITTER WESTERN ’ YOU PI DTHIS, RlTTEp/ MY BROTHER WILL GET EVEN .'NILES WILL , GET YOU AND SET ME FREE / /— PAVE ADDER WAS JAILED AND HELD FOG TR/AL f HE'D NEVER BEEN CONVICTED BE - FORE- . . BUT HE AND H/S MORE DANGEROUS BROTHER, NILES \ HAD BEEN OH THE WRONG S/DE OF THE LAW FOR WEARS! ...SERVE TEN YEARS AT HARD LABOR, DAVE. ADDER/ COURT DISMISSED/ you won't GET NILES LIRE YUH GOT ME / HE'S TOO TRiCKV FOR YUH/ . you broke The law, ADDER / you SHOT AN INNOCENT MAN DOING IT/ IE YORE BROTHER BREAKS THE LAW, HE'LL GO TO PRISON TOO' THE PRA/R/E MARSHAL KNEW DATE ADDER WAS TELL TNG THE TRUTH/ N/LES A DO =v MA ■ « V L IGHTN/N6- W/TH H/S COL TS ( HE WON'T BE IN THERE TEN , NfOWTNf / I'LL GET HIM OUT- - - AND I'LL FIX RITTER TOO 'LET'S FIND RlTTER YUH KNOW WHATTUH DO, SPIKE./ TEX RlTTER WAS ALWAYS CAREFUL - - ■ HE HAD A LOT OF TRIGGER -HAPPY ENEMIES f AND HE WAS DOUBLY CARS- FUL WITH NILE S ADDER IN TOWN / SO, , WHEN HE HEARD A COLT HAMMER CQCHF0; HE WAS READY. - - { 7 *=^Z“ TEX RITTER WESTERN H OLD IT, LAWMAN / IF X PEG ANOTHER SHOT, YUH'LL GO DOWN / *PP£P WAS P£APBY- --PGP &££A WA/T/PG , COLTS PGAOY /P APTTP/PG WEPT WPOPG. . . . j 7 you WON'T, , MANTON / THAT S NOT THE PLAY RIGHT NOW' WHAT DOES NILES . ADDER WANT? A COME TUH THE POINT, NILES / WHAT . DO VUH WANT X JUST WANTED TT SHOW YUH X CAN DO IT the easy wav ritter: BUT IT WON'T BE LIKE that/ , , _ I'M soin' to make a laughin- ^ stock out of yuh, Ritter /then, 1 I'M GOIN' TO FINISH YUH OFF/ AN' X'LL DOIT ALL LEGAL-LIKE, THE WAY YOU DID IT TO MV BROTHER/ POP A MOM£ATT t APP£P WAS OPP guapp/ sp/pg apaptop WAS/v'r eypecr- /pg /t e/rpet? as rue ppa/p/g mapspal SPOOTGP to pc/py, pas pog f f GET HIM, FURY ' GET THE GUNS GET HIM AWAY FROM ME / CALL OFF THE DOG, MARSHAL TEX RITTER WESTERN TEX PYYEW MLE/S AODE/P WAS eaya/pt. . HE HHEW THE OWLHOOTE/P WOUIP 0E pLEAsry tp/cht/ but he p/pa/'t expect N/LES TO DO WAY AT PE D/D/ PIPE OUT, you TWO / MEBBE , X SHOULP JUG YUH . . BUT X'LL. wait. VUHVE BEEN LUCKY SO PAR POPSIN THE LAW/YOPE NEYT ROBBERV WILL BE YOUR LAST/ COME ON, FURY/ STAV POWN, FURY/ PROP THAT BAG, MISTER / THEN PRlVE THE 0UCK0OARP TO TOWN / ME AN ' WHITE FLASH WILL GO THE OTHER way/ .-a^ I, r RlTTEP CAN'T GET A WAV W(Th THIS I'P KNOW THAT OUTFIT ANYWHERE:/ X Coulpn'T see his face, but he SPOKE. TO HIS POG /• ; > Nk V' AWP HE WAS PIPING A WHITE WORSE NAMEP WHITE FLASH 'ENOUGH EV! PENCE FOP y anyone: / / (yt, WHATS GOING ON ' . IS THEPE TROUBLE. ” X GET IT / OKAY/ I'LL WAIT TO SEE JUDGE WARD / SOU ROBBER ME TONIGHT, PlTTEP / YOU LL Pay for youp crime THE SAME WAV ADPEP OR ANY OTHER OUTLAW WOULC? / ^ (sTEfT IN THAT CELL, PlTTEP the juoge will see you IN THE MORNING / TEX RITTER WESTERN SET HIGH BAIL ON ME, YOUR HONOR' NILES AOPER5 BEHIND This — l‘ve got to go after HIM ANO ©RING HIM BACK WITH THE MONEY' is he telling The truth, HE SHOT THE GUARD AND STOLE THIRTY , THOUSAND DOLLARS-' There's no doubt it WAS HIM / I «SV4W HIM, JUDGE/ v' he Thinks he is, youR HONOR / I'D LIKE A WORD WITH YOU ALONE ^ IF you INSIST, Te*/euT you WON'T BE- WEARING YOUR BARGE- /IF NILES ADDER SHOOTS YOU, WE WON'T BE ABLE TO HELP/ TEV RiTTER, YOU WILL STAMP , TRIAL ONE WEEK FROM TODAY until that Time, you are free IF YOU CAN POST TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS- BAIL / „ |Er TO INTRODUCE YOU TO THE MOST AMAZING MUSCLE BUILDING COURSE EVER OFFERED! I'LL BUILD YOU A CHAMPIONSHIP BODY FOR FOOTBALL JUDO • WRESTLING • BASEBALL This FREE INTRODUCTORY OFFER will start you on the way to a POWERFUL, MUSCLE-PACKED BODY LIKE THIS! ... in just 15 minutes a day, three times a week, in the privacy of your own home JACK DELINGER "Mr. America" "Mr. Universe" A Before World's all-time best-developed athlete says: "Joe Weider can start you on the way to a SUPER-POWERED. MUSCLE-PACKED BUILD LIKE MINE! His tree course Irial otter is the best deal I ever heard .of! Be smart — do as I did — tollow ‘Welder as your leader’ arid rush him the coupon.- below. Act now! Get thi* amazing free course offes while it lasts! A-C-T-i-O-N is the key to STRENGTH Moira your first he-man decision today! Rash in your coupon NOW . . . while a supply of these free offers are available. You have nothing to lose but your weakness! I'll triple your strength . . . add 5 to 50 pounds of solid muscle! Illustrated secrets of champion athletes! Don't be an "also-ran”! Be a cham- ING, WRESTLING, FOOTBALL, . . . pion! I'll build you a SUPER. MUSCLE- TEACH YOU TO PROTECT YOURSELF PACKEO 800Y THAT WILL MAKE YOU AT ALL TIMES! It'S all In my 7- A LEADER IN /tU SPORTS! I'LL ALSO week TRIPLE PROGRESSION COURSE! SHOW YOU IlLUSTRATEO SECRETS OF Send lor the INTRODUCTORY FREE THE GREAT ATHLETES IN JUDO. BOX- LESSON TO THIS COURSE TODAY) ONLY 7 WEEKS TO THAT RUGGED , DYNAMIC , HE-MAN BUILD YOU ALWAYS WANTED . . . BE A " SUPER STAR" AT SPORTS ! let me prove I con odd 4 "power- pocked" inches of mutcle to your chest! 3 inches of steel-liko muscles to your arm! Triplo your strength! N O W — In half the time, with twice the ease, right in the privacy ot your own home, in just a few minutes daily, I will through my TRIPLE PROGRESSION COURSE, slap inches of steel-like mus- cles. to your pipestem arms, pack your chest with "muscular dynamite,” give you lifeguard'' shoulders, dynamic, soeedy, athletic legs — start you on the way to becoming a "super star” at sports, with jet-charged new strength in every muscle of your body. I don’t care if you’re skinny or fat, short or tall, 'teen ager. businessman, offlee worker or laborer. I'll prone to you that l can make a new virile he-man out of you . . . and help build "inner strength” that will give you that Adonis look women admire and men envy. MAKE ME PROVE IT ... AT MY OWN EXPENSE! Mail the coupon for my FREE INTRODUCTORY COURSE OFFER T-O-D-A-Y ! FREE! WHILE THEY LAST! Nothing to buy! Yes, you heard right! HURRY? THIS Of PER MAY BE WITHDRAWN WITHOUT NOTICE! Don't miss the chance of a lifetime! Let me prove to you — at my own expend — that I can do for you whal I did for Jack Oelinger and other champions! Rush me the coupon for your FREE MUSCLE BUILDING TRIAL OFFER. It's filled with training' secrets, exercises, heroic photos of mighty champions and private advice on how you can become a muscle star fast!. This sensationat offer is good oely for males between 13 and 65. who are- m normal good health. | JOE WEIDER Dept. CH-3H j j 801 Palisade Avenue, Union City, N. J. ! j Rush me my FREE TRIAL COURSE OFFER, Joe! I J ! enclose only lOg to cover postage and handling. ! • I understand I am under no obligation! ; ! NAME j. AGE { • ADDRESS. j RUSH THIS COUPON TO ME F-A-S-T FOR YOUR GIANT MUSCLE BUILDING COURSE OFFER! TEX RITTER WESTERN T KNOW, RjRV / HE'S NOT FAR AHEAP yOU CAN TAKE ME TO . HIM (Bur HE WANTS ME TO PO THAT/ I'M RUNNtN' STRAIGHT INTO A TRAP . whoever threw tha-t bullet WASN'T AiMlN'^r ME / MV GUESS IS THATS SPIKE LETTIN'ME KNOW I'M AT THEIR MEf?cy/ WANT MORE, MANl&N? 1 CAN BANK WINCHESTER SLUGS AROUNP VOREl EARS ALL. PAV/ / TEX RITTER WESTERN MAf/TO/Z &EC/ED Of/ TEX /?/7YE/?S #EL ECTAf/CE 70 SHOOT. - - HE SCEAA/El/ oar OE THEEE EAST .'TEX WATCHED H/M GO. - - Ef/EOy/f/G a/S EEAf/r/C LET HIM Go, FURV/ Ff?lGHTENEP ENOUGi HE’LL F?UN TO NILES . - • FOLLOW ALONG WHAT ADPEf? HAS SEE THE SET-UP, FUPV/ NILES IS IN "THERE SO IS /' THEy WANT ME R -THEM ' T Wl LI TEX RITTER WESTERN AFTER WE TAKE. YUH BACK WITH Some of - tme monev, f?i-ri'eR,i'Lu 6EY A NEW -TRIAL FOR PAVE / THEY'LIL SPRING HIM / YOUR TESTIMONY PUT - . HIM IN JAIL WHEN YOU'RE A 4 CONVICTED OUTLAW, YOU'RE STORY / WON'T BE &EUEVEO / J NAIL HIM WHEN HE GETS TtlH The money, spike! Then we ll tell everyone we caught WITH THE LOOT 1 WE 'LL. j KEEP MOST OF IT / ^ NEVER MINP THAT DO© M ANTON / SHOOT RlTTER ( ep MoeiyiX 1 PON’T , ) BLAME YOU' / NILES APPELS / OUTFIT WAS EXACTLY LIKE , MINE/ HE COULDVE OUTFOX EP ME BUT FURY WAS TOO MUCH FOR THEM t T. thought surely IT WAS you WHO HELP ME UP, MARSHAL [ TEX RITTER WESTERN riding rue RANGE WITH TEX RITTER HOWDY PAROS, FIGURED I'D TELL. YOU ABOUT AH OL' TIMER WHO'D BEEN ONE OF THE MOUNTAIN MEN WHEN HERDS OF BUFFALOES BLACKENED THE WESTERN PLAINS AN' THE SIOUX, THE CHEYENNE AN' THE BLACKFEET CONSIDERED ALL. THIS GREAT WESTERN LAND THEIR HUNTIN' GROUNDS J I'D RIDDEN INTO A WAGON YARD IN FORT BOSWORTH AN' THIS OL' TIMER WAS S/TT/N' THERE WHITTLIN'! WE GOT TO TALKIN' AN' HE TOLD ME HOW HE USED TO SEE THE COVERED WAGONS COMING INTO THESE WAGON YARDS FROM OFF THE PLAINS! IN THOSE DAYS THE WAGON YARDS WERE CAMPIN' AN GATHERIN' PLACES AN FOR FIFTY CENTS A FAMILY HIRED SPACE FOR THEIR WAGON, PROTECTION, WATER FOR BEASTS AN' MEN AN' FIREWOOD / WHAT KIN DOF PEOPLE WERE THOSE OLD PIONEERS?" I ASKED THE OL' TIMER! "ALL KINDS'! HE ANSWERED J " THERE WERE ENGLISHMEN, GERMANS, SCANDINAVIANS, SPANIARDS, IRISH IMMIGRANTS BROUGHT OVER TO BUILD THE RAILROADS, CHINESE, AND LOTS OF MIKED BLOODED PEOPLE OF ALL COMBINATIONS !" AFTER AWHILE I RODE AWAY BUT KEPT THIN KIN 1 OF WHAT THE OL' TIMER HAD SAID.' YES, IT TOOK ALL KINDS OF STALWART BREEDS OF PEOPLE, SEARCH/N' FOR A NEW WAY OF LIFE IN A NEW COUNTRY TO BUILD THE GREAT WEST, AN' ALL OF THEM DID THEIR PART, JUST AS THEY DID IN BUILD/ N ' THE REST OF AMERICA . 1 OUT HERE A MAN IS KNOWN AN' RESPECTED FOR WHAT HE DOES, NOT FOR WHAT HE IS/ I RECKON THAT'S THE WAY IT SHOULD BE ALL OVER/ WELL, PARDS, UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN, I'LL BE SAY IN'... Chief Healer Heleft Dosersoa was concentrating her at- tention on the sweater she was knitting. Seated comfortably on a chair her eyes were below the Jewel ©f the large desk in front of her. She thought she heard a slight cough. Then it be- came louder. Finally she raised her eyes. In front of her was a tall well built young man wearing new eastern clothing. "What can I do for you,” she smiled. "This is the office of the Cooperstown-Hagg- ersville Stage Coach Company, isn’t it?” he half said and half asked. "That’s what the big sign outside tells you,” she pointed out. "I want a ticket to Haggersville on the three o’clock stage. One way please. How much is the fare?” he continued. "No stage leaves today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after,” she said pleasantly. "But at St. Louis they told me the stages leave every day. And that’s what is printed outside on your schedule board.” "Ever hear of Chief Vittorio?" she demanded. "Of course,” he replied in a slightly harsh tone of voice that escaped her. "He and about a thousand of his brayes are in the mountain regions between here and Hagg- ersville,” she told him. "At present he is at war with the government, And that also includes all white men.” "Ridiculous,” insisted the young man. "Then I will hire a horse and ride to Haggersville. Also a pack horse for my luggage.” "Why ridiculous?” interrupted the voice of Helen’s father who had' overheard the entire conversation from inside his private office. He opened the door and faced the young man. "You easterners are -all the same,” he scolded. "You make light of a situation that means life and death to us out here in the west. One month of this and I’m broke. Think you are smart, eh? Go out and drive the stage yourself. Get it through and I’ll give you half interest in my line.” The young man looked at the older man whom he realized was the father of the charm- ing girl. Whatever other plans he had' had in mind were now going to be changed. "Put that in writing now and I’ll take a stage out myself tomorrow or the day after at the latest,’ he challenged. Jack Donerson tok a pen and dipped it into the inkwell. He drew up a brief contract and handed it to the young man who read it over once carefully. Then he signed his name. Jack Donerson looked carefully at the name and his expression changed. "You are Dr. Robert Caldwell, the son of Dr. James Caldwell. I should have noticed the resemblance. Those eastern clothes of yours got me mixed up. I’ll notify the sheriff at once. Guess you are the only man who can help us.” Within an hour the news spread throughout the town about the arrival of the young man. Sheriff Jed Winston came over with a fast mustang for the young man who had now changed his clothing. He wore a tan shirt, west- ern boots, and in his right hand he held an Indian feathered war bonnet. Around' his waist was a gun belt and in the holster was a Colt .44. Soon Helen heard the story. Dr. Robert Cald- well was the blood brother of Long Lance, the son of Chief Vittorio! The young doctor faced the sheriff and the assembled group. "Whatever terms I can get from Chief Vitto- rio will have to bind you in honor. Are you all willing to do that?” "If we don’t then we face economic starva- tion,” said Michael Kelly, owner of Kelly’s Emporium. "We have no quarrel with the, Indians. See what you can do to help us.” The young man mounted his horse and threw the war bonnet over the pommel. He would not wear it until he was within the territory where he might expect the Indians to be waiting for any rider. Helen touched his hand. "You are a brave man,” she admitted. "I hope you are successful and become our part- ner.” For the next three hours, young Dr. Caldwell rode his horse slowly. Then he put the bonnet on his head. He had a feeling that eyes were watching him. And he wasn't wrong. For a half hour later he was stopped by an armed group of puzzled red' skins. "I am Young One, blood brpther of Long Lance. Chief Healer was my father. Now I too am a Chief Healer. Take me to Chief Vittorio. I wish to speak to him.” He was escorted though the mountain passes and taken to an encampment. Long Lance recognized him at once and spoke. "It is good to see you after these many years,” greeted Long Lance. "They told us that you had decided to study medicine after the death of your father. It is good' that you walk in his footsteps. We need healers for our people. My father will be glad to see you.” They then went to a big lodge. Long Lance entered first. Soon he came out with his father. At that ‘■time. Chief Vittorio was still a powerful man. He was in his middle fifties and could still remember when the buffalo were unnum- bered on the plains. *'I come in peace, oh Great Chief,” said Dr. Robert Caldwell. ‘'Never can it be said that either my father or myself did any injustice to our red brethren.” Then as though to emphasize his words, he unbuckled' his gun belt and handed it to Chief Vittorio. The braves watching this gesture were moved by it. So was the Chief who returned the gun belt to the young man. "Take it and keep it for we know you will never use it against us. What is your mission?” "Permit the st&ge from Cooperstown to Hagg- ersville to go in peace. For this I would receive a half interest in the company. Such money that I get will be turned over to your people. Surely when peace comes again, you will need many supplies including new homes. For you and your people can no longer be wanderers.” "When we were wanderers, we were free,” replied the Chief. "They would bind us to one place. Then feed us as though we were people who needed charity. 1 know not what to do. The days of the buffalo are numbered. Soon there will be none on the plains. What are we to do? Raise corn or become keepers of the cattle. We no longer fight the other tribes. Once my people were masters over the Sioux, Kiowas, and Dakotas. Now we face a master from Wash- ington that is very strong. We could go to Mexico. There is still plenty of land there.” "That wouldn’t solve your problem,” pointed out the young man. "You must be able to have food and materials for clothing. You and your people will live apart from the rest of the world for some time. But your children’s children, and their children, will walk in the ways of the white man.” "I am tired of running and fighting. Then running and fighting again. Go tell General Howard that I will talk peace with him. But you must be with us. For you talk the tongue of the white man as well as that of my people.” "I shall return to, Cooperstown and drive the stage to Haggersville,” explained Dr. Robert Caldwell. "It was my intention to open an of- fice in Haggersville. I shall contact Colonel Benderson at Fort Still. He will send the mess- age to General Howard.” The young man returned to Helen Donerson and her father. The next day the stage left. Actually, Joe Winters did most of the driving, with the young man at his seat who relieved him from time to time. The stage reached its destination safely. There, Dr. Robert Caldwell made arrangements to go to Fort Still. Three days later he spoke to Colonel Benderson. At the end of June, 1879, he accompanied General Howard to a peace parley with Chief Vittorio. Terms were finally agreed upon and fighting ceased. General Howard had the remarkable ability to understand the bothersome problems of both the white and the red men. Dr. Robert Caldwell kept on seeing Helen Donerson. It was while he was in the stage coach offices that he received a surprise visit from Colonel Benderson. . “I shall be responsible for seeing that peace continues,” explained the Colonel. "But I am realistic. Actually it depends upon having a good Indian Agent. General Howard suggested you as the man. Here is your appointment. The salary isn’t much though you will have a home, a wagon, horses and food allowance. Take two weeks to consider it. Then let me know whether or not you accept or refuse.” When the Colonel had left, there was an awkward silence in the office. Helen felt she could read the mind of the young man she had come to love. "Say it,” she prodded him. "I know some- thing is bothering you.” "I was going to ask you to marry me. But being the wife of a doctor in a western town is one thing. Being the wife of an Indian agent is another thing, for that is not going to be an easy life.” "But I will be your wife,” was her reply as she went into his arms. And so from August 1, 1879 to May 10, 1888, Dr. Robert Caldwell served as Indian Agent, During that time there was peace and content- ment among the red men as well as among the white settlers. Chief Healer, was the name that they called him in all circles. And his pretty wife did much to help him in his work. The stage coach line continued and was very successful. Half of the profits were used for the benefit of the Indians. — THE END — “Tell Me What You Want 0 Health 0 Strength 0 tee* Weight 0 More Weight O.Poieo 0 Muscular Development I Will Show You How To Get It” PAUL ANDERSON. s ^ Sayt Paul Andorson OlympicClumpion, _ oifeiii won* Strongest Man in the World Record Hold**, , , The stronmt I was thin, underweight and al- Men in the World most died of Bright's Disease in my youth. My parents’ prayersbrought me through and my determination to gain strength led to my discovery of four great secrets. Thisdia- covery explained and applied, as I show you how to do It, Will give you giant strength in easy steps.” Write today and learn how vigor, health, a fine physique, the admiration of friends can be yours. Follow the simple instructions of my course— only a few minutes a day and you can build your body as 1 have built mine. You can win trophies as I have won them and be in the limelight — in sports, social events, etc. Act NOW ! yjfgr j FAUl ANDERSON, To«*s, 6a. MC-J ! Without obligation please send me your free book I fully illustrated and describing your 4-secret body . building system. r clear receptlo I gfP&vFLp In super* 1 speaker phone. Durably bull! lo I 1 k£'^ KT h practical tiny ratllo tor real tun and’ enjoy- WHr nient. This COMPLETE READY-TO- LISTEN RADIO, sent postpaid tor only ^ ■ $5,115 (no c.o.d.). Order direct by mall from: NAFICO. Dipt. 1 6- R , Box 5. Sts. E. TOLEDO 9. OHIO Want PLENTY of money fora few spare hours a week? 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This Hncoln penny a,bom (51) is worth from $35 to $120 when correctly com- pleted, say leading U. S. coin authorities. There are spaces for 59 Lincoln pennies that correspond with the dates printed in the album. Some are easy to find, others are harder to come by, but All CENTS ARE IN CIRCULA- TIONI Save other sets worth hundreds of dollars. All information sent with 1st album. Send $1 to: HOBBIES UNLIMITEO.Box 4SB, Dept. CC-1 Hempstead, N. Y. Go as rapidly as your lime and abilities per- mit. Equivalent to resident School work— prepares for college entrance exams. Stand- ard H.S. texts supplied. Diploma awarded. Credit lor H.S. subjects completed. Single subjects desired. Ask for Free Bulletin. American School, Dept. T-336, Drexel al 51th, Chicago 37 can match. You have no expense— work right out of your own home, taking orders from friends, neighbors, folks where you work. You can fit everybody, with women's sizes from 2M to 12. widtha from AAAA to EEE— men's sizes from 5 to 15, widths AAA to EEEE. No wonder Fred Mapes makes $5.00 to $10.00 every selling hour . . . James Kelly made $93.55 in one evening. Yes, "the sky’s the limit” if you •re willing to WORK in this splendid business. WHAT A LINE OF SHOES! Rush the coupon NOW and start making money with revolutionary Ripple Sole shoes, Sylfiex water-repellent shoes, Horsehide Leather Jackets, Shu-Lok. Laceless shoes, Steel-Toe Safety Shoes —every thing to fill the footwear needs or EVERYBODY you talk with. Start with Mason in spare time — switch to full lime when you like'. Meanwhile, get your own and the family shoes at wholesale. Rush the coupon — you'll be glad for the rest of your life that you started making Big Money with Mason in your spars time. INCLUDES STAMPS CATALOGUING UP TO 25c EACH! ALSO APPROVALS. U. S. STAMPS 2ESRASNAKE 0ESIGN & lEOFARD-COWHIDEsr'' DESIGN. [ \ TWO -TONE HU MASON SHOE MFG. CO.. 0*». tn ChlMsws Fells, WUceniht. AMAZING MIDGET CAMERA Personal RADIO STAMPS FOR ONLY TEX RITTER WESTERN HUB SAMSON HAP BOASTED THAT HE'D GRAB THE BANK SHIPMENT.,, EVEN THO HE KNEW TEX RITTER WOULD BE RIDING AS A SPECIAL GUARD! AND HE WAS WELL ON HIS WAY TO GETTING AWAY WITH IT BEFORE THE PRAIRIE RANGER EVEN REALIZED THE ATTEMPT WAS BEING MADE! GIMME STEAM, NAILS. MORE STEAM 1 . RITTER'S UP THERE" IP HE REACHES THIS ENGINE &EFORE WE REACH THE HIDE-OUT, WE'LL ALL DO TIME' I GUESS WE'RE J THE RAILROAP HANP- ALL SET, TEX/ / PICKEP THE CREW •< WE'VE GOT < FOR US' WE SHOULPWT CLEAR TRACK ) HAVE TROU&LE/ ALL THE LET'S GET STARTED’ X WAV ' AALLLLLL ABOARRPf TEX RITTER TOOK EVERV EEFoRE THE SPECIAL TRAIN PULLED OUT FOR , LARAMIE/ HE AND ©ANKER SIMON FORTE COVERED ALL ANGLES,,, WESTERN THE PRAIRIE RANGER H AP A SUPPBNy CHILLING HUNCH/ HE LBPT THE CAR AMP WO RKBP UP TO THE TENPBR... WHAT'S _ V TEXy THAT WRONG? \ CONDUCTOR,. VUH LOOK NERVOUS/ TEJ^RITTER T^nductos TEX RITTER WESTERN HO LP 'EM OFF, LAWTON. I'LL TRY TO UNCOUPLE THF CAR/ } — x r-T: THE SPeePiN© TRAIN WAS - ALMOST ROCkfN& OFF 'THE TRACKS/ accurate S HOOTING WAS impossible' SET REAPy FOR SHOOTIN/ LAWTON/ THE THIRD OUTLAW'S WAITIN' FOR A PECENT SHOT ) m AT US/ ONCE WE STOP THIS TRAIN/ WE'LL TAKE CARE OF RITTER. SLOWLY ROLLEP TO A STOP, THE PRAIRIE RANGER SET THE HAND 6b RAKES... \3 TEX RITTER WESTERN HERE THEY COME) LAWTON/ HOLO THE ONE you've got,,, i'll hanple the others/ > PROP THE GUN/ I'VE ©OT HIM/TBX, WATCH FOR THE —r OTHER TWO/ ) THERE'S ONE THAT WON'T MAKE ANY MORE TROUBLE- NOW IT'S YOUR. TURN, SAMSON/ « HUE SAMSON FIGUREP TEX RITTER WOULP PANIC AS BOTH HORSES THUNPEREP STRAIGHT AT HIM/ .//BUT PANIC WASN'T IN THE RANGER'S MAKE-UP/ HOLP ‘EM HERE/ WHAT? HUB SAMSON'S IN THERE > GUARPIN' < THE MONEY? h \ YEP,,, HE'P LIKE TUH 1 BE SOMEWHERE ELSE.,, ' yUH'P BETTER JAIL HIM BEFORE HE CHEWS HIS WAY — T — . OUT OF THE ROOF/ LAWTON/ I'LL GO FOR THE LOCO- . MOTIVE ON ONE f- OF THEIR J horses/ r^sa WITH TEX RITTER AT THE -i THROTTLE ANPTHE : BANKER SWEATING AT THE FIREBOX/ THE OUTLAW EXPRESS ARRIVEP ON TIME/ TEX RITTER WESTERN For FOUR YEARS THE MAN from TEXAS HAP SEEN ON THE TRAIL! A BIG TACITURN MAN WITH MISERY IN HIS EYES AND DETERMINATION IN THE SET OF HIS UPS, EMMET ELAINE HAP FOLLOWED THE TRAIL OF VENGEANCE! ANP NOW, HB WAS reaching the end of that trail.,. ? WAIT/ PALAVER! MAKE TALK. PAY MUCH FOR MAKE TALK/ THIS PALEFACE SAWS APACHE HAS H ONOR/Z (5AM&LE . LIFE ON APACHE HONOR ! 1 AM ON , TRAIL OF VENGEANCE! WORDS from apache CAN SHORTEN TRAIL/ WHY WE NO SHOULD ^ KILL AND TAKE GOLD? PALEFACES SAY APACHE HAS NO HONOR/ FOUR YEARS AGO /MEMBERS OF YOUR BAND OF APACHES ATTACKED A WELLS- FARGO STAGE AT THE NEW MEXICAN BOR PER/ ALL WERE KtLLEP INCLUPING A A YOUNG y - WOMAN.' TEX RITTER WESTERN THE OBSIDIAN- EYES GLITTERED TH S THE APACHES KNEW/.* VENGEANCE/ TONO/ TONO THE APACHE SPOKE,./ HIS LIPS THIN WITH CRUELTY, J ,,/THEN, TONO SAYS, THE ^ PALEFACE CAME/ HE GAVE TONO AND HIS BRAVES THE GUNS HE HAP PROMISEP/ FOR HIMSELF HE TOOK ONLY THE BOX UNPER THE SEAT OF THE STAGE WHERE T “ PRlVERSAT/ THE APACHE TRANSLATEP THE WORDS OF TONO,,, TONO SAY PALEFACE BIG MAN, LIGHT HAIR, EYES LIKE SKY/ MOON SCAR ON TEMPLE, RED FACE J TONO SAY ENOUGH TALK, GIVE GOLD/ n r— I KEEP MY WORD/ HERE/ > HE RODE AWAY.// THE AP ACHES WATCHING INTENTLY.., I HAP TO BE SURE/ ^ THAT CAVALRY- SERGEANT TOLD ME IT WAS TONO'S 7 NOW I'M SURE.,, TEX RITTER WESTERN HlS CAMPS WERE MEASEft/ HE PUSHEP STEADILY ON, TOWARD &LJRR.VILLE, BUT IN THE FLAMES OF H/S CAMPFIRE THE VISION OF HER CAME TO HIM-.. IT'S ALMOST THE END, LOUISE. r—jr ALMOSTTHE END/ _ £ MARTIN DRASO... THAT WAS HIS NAME— J THE RENEGADE WHO SOLD SUNS TO THE if APACHES/ HIS DESCRIPTION WAS VAGUE/ THEN/ AFTER THAT STAGE COUR HE * ggfrnn- — r disappeared with THE WELL3- FA RGO . r KWBlt >y 1.001 ; y AND THREE YEARS AGO A MAN CAME TO «* &URRVILLE/ A MAN WHO - ' CALLED HlMSELFl MEL DRAKE, A WEALTHY MAN WHO BECAME A POWER IN BURRVILLE' I NEEDED THE Y— DESCRIPTION OF MARTIN DR AGO FROM y* . -- ^ TONO TO BE SURE--- £ MARTIN DRAGO IS MEL DRAKE-- ^ AND I'M COMING TO THE END OF THE -. TRAIL/ FOUR LONG YEARS NOW.,. THE END'S IN SIGHT/ FIVE RAYS LATER... RIDING INTO BURRVILuE,. THE LITTLE MAN AGAIN/ HE SEEMS .TO HAVE REAP MY MIND AN' ; INSTEAP OF TRAILIN' me cfWjfr AS HE HAS, HE GOT TO ^sH.BURRViLLE BEFORE ME/ J| W&T ( WHO IS HE? WHAT V^r DOES HE WANT? TEX RITTER WESTERN HB GAT ON T HE PORCH OF THE &URRVIILE HOTEL,.. WAITING/ THAT'S AfK BUSINESS/ I RECKON YOU'P BEST GO ABOUT YOURS/ IT WAS FIGHTING TALK/ BUT THE LOW MENACE IN HIS VOICE, THE TOUGHNESS OF THE MAN PEC I PEP THE ISSUE/ THERE'S THAT PILGRIM/ ALL HE POES r IS S IT/ Y* HEY, FELLER/ WHAT'S youR f EVENIN', SAM/ J HELLO, JESSE/ HOW'S THE MISSUS/ *- IT'S HIM/ ' 4 - I COULP SHOOT HIM OFF THAT • HOSS RIGHT NOW/// y" BUT THAT AIN'T THE WAy IT MUST BE/ I'VE GOT TO GET HIM ALONE, TELL f— HIM WHY, THEN GIVE ) i HIM HIS CHANCE ^ ] TO DRAW BEFORE ) 1 * * -y I END IT/ j- ANP SO HE WAITED A LITTLE WHILE LONGER/ UNTIL HE SAW THE BIG MAN RIDE OUT ANP.,. HE FOLLOWED/ 1 HE'S RIP IN' EASY/ | CAN CIRCLE AN' A GET IN FRONT OF HIM BY THE TIME HE m REACHES THAT ROCK OUTCROPPING/ Tf [ g Bi" aiSa a ni ra B mm B i Baaeaw iaBgiaa¥if ia'gBBB a«H8 OPENS UP TO HANDSOME WALL MAP FOR YOUR ROOM OR DEN -3 SQUARE FEET! , CAMEROONS liows strange Zebu set and native CHINA Anil-Communist stamp I; taco value of (10.000 00 Nationalist money DJIBOUTI Depicts one of most famous Mos of the Near Bast. Name.. (Please PRiNT'pialniy)'' Address.. ..State.. Check here for Discoverer Album, enclosing only (1 more. Money back if not delighted. IDENTIFY EVEN THE STRANGEST STAMPS-of o glance! Now, no stamp need puzzle at left. How could you pee- you n you— no matter how strange it sibly tell what country it with « looks. Look at the Oriental comes from. But with the instantly know t script on the enlarged stamp stamp identifier at your side— from Jordan. IWLW’flNlS JORDAN AUSSIA SfcKHA HUNbARI SB1IIH J WORLD MAP authentic Mercator projection map, used by air and sea naviga- 2 STAMP FINDER identifies stamps around the world — no matte'r how strange their script letters. Valuable Stamp Collector's Reference Map and Guide Offered FREE to Get Names for Our Mailing list T HIS GIANT world map and stamp guide is a treasure chest of valuable information. Locates the tiniest, most remote stamp issuing countries in the world. "Deciphers the strangest script on the face of stamps — and tells you at a glance just what country issued them. The Philatelic World Map & Guide is well-known among stamp fans every- where. Complete and up-to-date. Opens up to 3 SQUARE FEET to make a big handsome Wall map you’ll be proud to display. While our supply lasts — we’ll send it to you FREE together with in- teresting stamp offers for your inspec- tion. No obligation. But hurry. Offer may be withdrawn at any- time. Mail coupon TODAY. O ENCYCLOPEDIA OF STAMP * ISSUING COUNTRIES Tells area, location, population parent country, etc. s&$@ mei roi MUCH-WANTED FOREIGN STAMPS . SAN MARINO Huge triangular stamp from tiniest republic beast . In the world. herder. I P you hurry— we’ll also send you 30 stamps that your stamp-collecting friends will envy you for. Even at our famous low prices, we’d normally have to charge you over half a dollar for these stamps. But to make a host of new friends quickly, we’re offering all 30 FREE together with the valuable FREE world map and stamp guide above. But hurry. ' Mail coupon today. If coupon is missing- mail 10F (to help cover postage, handling) \ to: LITTLETON Stamp Co., Dept.CCG-3 4 Littleton. N. H. FAMOUS DISCOVERER ALBUM yoU rs at an amazing low price! sees for 11,000 stamps. Packed with pictures, descriptions of . countries. Complete guide for beginners t76 big pages. Yours ; for only (1 to help you to get started. Check box In coupon. -FREE ; " gnltter and Stamp Hinges if you act at once! LITTLETON STAMP CO., Dept. CC6-3-4 Littleton, New Hampshire Please send me FREE (while supply lasts) the v able Philatelic World Map and Guide and the — of 30 much- wanted foreign stamps. Include ‘ teresting stamp offers for my inspection. I u. X am not obligated to buy any stamps from or later. I enclose tor to help cover actr and handling of FREE map and stamps. T IX RITTER WESTERN I'VE BEEN ON YOUR TRAIL FOR FOUR YEARS,, THIS IS PAY PAY/ I'M HOLSTERIN' MY SUN / DRAW WHEN YOU'RE READY/ THIS IS THE WAY I PLANNED I T/ THIS IS THE WAY IT'S 0ONNA BE J YUH SOf THAT &OY.I U MADE YUH A WEALTHY MAN, A MAN WHO CHANGED HIS NAME ANP BECAME A BIG GUN IN BURR- VILLE/ LISTEN NOW,,, THERE WAS A SWEET ©IRL ON THAT STAGE/ SHE WAS COMlN' TO .TEXAS TO MARRY ME,,, he CHOKEP UP THEN/ FOR A MOMENT THERE WAS SILENCE... THEN,-/ “ -Y NOW you KNOW WHY/ FOUR YEARS AGO YOU SAVE ©UNSTO AN APACHE, TONO, BRIBING HIM AN' HIS BUNCH TO HOLP UP THE TEXAS &OUNP WELLS-FARGO STAGE/ YOU PIPN'T CARE WHO WAS KILLER,, ALL YOU WANTEP WAS THE HE CIRCLEP ANP WAITER,,, UNTIL THE RENEGADE CAME! HUH? WHO SAIP THAT ’Z PIP/ GET OFF THAT HOSS/ CAREFUL NOW, I PON'T WANT TO SHOOT YUH BEFORE I'VE HAP MY SAY/ I'VE WAfTEP FOUR YEARS TO SAY THIS PIFOE SO YOU'P KNOW WHAT VOll WFP F ©FTTIN' (T F nfi/ TIX RITTER WESTERN FOUR YEARS, HUH? AN' YOU NEVER ' PREAMEP IT CO LIU? ENP LIKE THIS/ PIP YUH? YUH SHOULP'VE CHECKEP A LITTLE PEEPER AN' YOU'P'VEFOUNP OUT THAT THE RENE6APS , — - Vk MARTIN CPRA60 WAS A ) - — i TOP GUN/ j YOU'RE UNPER ARREST/ MARTIN PRA60/ FOR THE WELLS-FARGO HOLPUP/ ' NOW YUH KNOW WHAT'S COMIN', PON'T YUH? YOU’RE THE ONLY MAW THAT KNOWS THE TRUTH SO I QOTTAf NOT THE OWCY MAN/ MARTIN PR AGO/ y GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT/ Y'^EE/THE APACHES PIDN'T SURE I FOLLOWEP YOU/ I KNEW SOONER OR LATER YOU'P LEAP ME TO MY MAN/ I'M A PINKERTON PET ECTIV6 ON THE WELLS- .FARGO PAYROLL/ SON, — v VENGEANCE , NEVER PAYS/ LET THE LAW TAKE ITS ■M \ \h V COURSE.' / WHO — WHO ARE YOU ? YOU'VE FOLLOWEP ME,„ KILL LOUISE/ SHE GOT AWAY/ BUT SHE FI0SEREP SHE PIPN'T WAWTA MARRY ANY MAN WHO LIVEP IN SUCH WILP COUNTRY AN' WENT SACK EAST/ IT'S LIKE WAKIN' UP FROM A FOUR YEAR SICK- ^ , NESS AN' FINPIN' , YOU'RE WELL AGAIN! ■■I I CAN START LIVIN' JTwS / r AGAIN/ Education With This Amaxing MADE SIMPLE Self-Teaching Program Mathematics English Chemistry Physics Biology Covering the following subjects: American History Bookkeeping Everyday Law Spanish French me Art ot wmini Psychology World Literature Business letter Writing World History The Art of Speaking Philosophy Music Appreciation Astronomy Chess Contract Bridge . 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