A CHARLTON PUBLICATION WESTERN THE $10,000 CHALLENGE ONLY JOE WEIDER DARES TO MAKE! MY GUARANTEE! Use my system for training and you will gam twice »s much muscle and triple your power in less than Half Th« Time it would take if you followed any other method best developed CUNCY ROSS, Mat* Of power-laden muscle* — mighty 20-Inch arm*, 50-Inch chest, shoulders of Iron a yard wide! ONLY 7 SHORT WEEKS TO I THAT DYNAMIC , RUGGED HE-MAN L BODY YOU ALWAYS WANTED ADD 3 INCHES of steel-like \ MUSCLES TO YOUR ARMS...\ 4 "POWER PACKED” INCHES OF MUSCLES TO YOUR CHEST! short or tall, skinny or fat, office-worker, laborer, school-boy, or businessman, I must make a new virile he-man out of you, and also . . . help build “inner strength” that will give you that virile look, that women admire and men envy. Here’s what I did for Clancy Ross, one of the many thousands of weaklings I turned into He-Men. Says JOE WEIDER, “The Muscle Builder” and “Trainer ef the Champion*' In half the time, with twice the ease, in the privacy of your own room, in just a few minutes daily, I will, through my TRIPLE- PROGRESSION COURSE, slap inches of steel muscles to your pipe-stem arms, pack your chest with power and size, give you life- guard shoulders, dynamic, speedy athletic legs — add Jet-Charged strength to every muscle in your body. I don’t care if you’re Don’t miss this once-in-a lifetime opportunity LET ME PROVE TO YOU, AT MY OWN EXPENSE, EVERYTHING I SAY CAN BE DONE! TREE MUSCLE BUILDING TRIAL OFFER. Fill out coupon and mall to m*. I'll ruah you my GIANT 32 page course, filled with exercises, training secrets, Heroic photos of mighty champions and private advice on how you can be- come a muscle star fasti This sensational offer Is good only to males between 13 and 65 In normal good health. A-C-T-I-ON IS THE KEY TO STRENGTH! MAKE YOUR FIRST HE-MAN DECISION TO-DAY! Rush in this coupon for your free trial course. You have nothing to lose but your weakness. AMAZING FREE TRIAL OFFER JOE WEIDER Dipt. CH-12A 801 Palisade Avenue. Union City, N. J. Shoot the worts, Joe! Rush me my FREE INTRODUCTORY POWER-PACKED, MUSCIE-BUILOING COURSE. (I enclose only IOC to cover cost of handling and mailing.) I am under no obligation. TEX RITTER WESTERN Volume 1. Number 40 APRIL, 1968 Published Quarterly by Charlton Royal Comics, Inc. Executive offices and office of publication, Charlton Building, Derby, _ Conn. Second Class Mailing privileges authorized at the Post Office at Derby, Conn. Price per copy 10c. Subscription 12 issues SI. 20. Copyright 1967 by Charlton Royal Comics, Inc. Pat Masulli, Executive Editor. (Printed in U.S.A.) i'll nail'£M -r- BOTH/ holp y chjr fire/ there's women and CHILDREN WERE/ r- TEX RITTER WESTERN HERBS TROUBLE/ RITTER/ HOLD-UP MEN NEAR THE . ■r poor/ y mrr THE PRAIRIE RANGER COULD'VE STOPPED THEM BOTH. ..BUT HE DIDN'T' AND HE JAMMED THE HAMMER SO TRASK, THE TELLER, COULDN'T FIRE EITHER! HE KNEW THE GUNMEN WERE GREEN... HE KNEW THE BANK COULD ERUPT INTO AN /NFERNO IN SECONDS WITH THE OUTLAWS WHO WERE . . . SC/A/REO. . . e>UT 0/AA/G£EF< OUS LET GO, RITTER/ DARN YOU/ ARE you IN WITH THEM - ? > give them WHAT THEY WANT/ PONT START A G UN- TIGHT HERE/ r HOL-P THAT GUN, MIGTBR/ IF HE FIRES, WE'LL GUN EVERYONE/ i WSB7 \lll 1 ■hIS^ \ '{ffl . Ipr 30051 1 flj I J f \ ill IsSj TEX RITTER WESTERN i'll blast the first one WHO TRIES TLJH FOLLOW US ! I CAN STILL GET 'EM/ LET ME GO, RITTER/ I TAKE IT EAS V... I you HAVE THE MONEY/ GET OUT/ , - you'LL GET you RS ELF SHOT- MAYBE OTHERS, WOMEN ANP KIPS/ Tr STAY HERE/-7/?? YOU'RE IN WITH THEM/ you HELPEP THEM . " — rt escape/ rmx^x I'M POlN / MY JOB/ TRASK. PART OF WHICH ISKEEPlN* TRIGGER-HAPPY FOOLS LIKE YOU FROM GETTlN' tf' HURT/ STANP STILL— J\ v I'LL GET THEM ' } <<<>' THANKS TEX/ THOSE GUYS WERE SCAREP GREEN— THEY^P HAVE PEGGEP SLUGS ALL OVER THIS BANK/ GOOp LUCK . WHEN YUH CATCH J T UP WITH 'EM/ T- / / COME ON, WHITE FLASH/' IF THOSE TWO GETAWAY I'LL BE IN TROUBLE/ ^ THAT TRASK FELLOW WILL! TELL EVERYONE THAT I HELPEP , -^T THE PAIR/ ^ THE PRAIRIE RANGER WAS follow- ing a PLAIN TRAIL A moment later/ RITTER ROPE FAST... HE HOP EP TO CATCH THEM ON THE PRAIRIE; AWAV FROM COMPLICA- TING FACTORS LIKE THE GUN- HAppy TELLER/ TEX RITTER THERE WAS NO RUSH/ TEX J06GEP INTO TOWN, STABLER WHITE FLASH ANP WAITE P WHILE HE HAP A RUBPOWN... AT THE STABLE HE LEARNER WHAT HE WANTEP TO KNOW... THEM? THEY COME (N )h A HALF HOUR AGO.-. ^ BUCK HAPPEN ROPE ONE, CHICK REEMER WAS > ^ ON THE OTHER, j — -"T^ I KNOW 'EM/ THANKS, LARRY/ LOOK KIDS! Big Powerful MAGIC MAGNIFIER for your very own! HELPS 1 t i*iYST6«y/< WHILE "BUG a WATCHING THIS MAGNIFIER) P MAKES THESE ANTS L LOOK LIKE ELEPHANTS ' 1 WOW? THIS ONE'S/fT- WHY IT LEADS I LUGGING A jr—_ II TO THIS OLD BIG r7vcTul TllEe TRONK'.f PFAPl'H ~ es ' m , ZZS 1 VCAHuy ANp HERE'S«^vpT»i R/ '2 < /~7 his trail- let's! IfV follow ^ THIS MUST BE A ROSSER'S M* HIDING -tflP C place.* / 3 t m*L -THAT'S MY SECRET HIDE-OUT FORALLLiffiJ THE SWELL PREMIUMS I EARNED SELLING WHITE CLOVER IN E BRAND SALV E TO MY FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS/ GOSH. ' YOU 1 L TOO ?* J STUDY INSECTS- PLANT \ UF£ ‘ l\ ROCKS' \\ STAMPS- FINGER VA PRINTS- /\ ETC. M ETC YES, ANY BOY OR GIRL CAN EARN SWELL PREMIUMS- JUST MAIL COUPON w— — nr- — nniK TO G£T 1 Jfdte STARTED; -a, PONT DELAY.L^ CAMERAS WATCHES MAIL bib. COUPON over ^W^years sotoer Minis Ml MOESKK TELESCOPES cal Co., DSpi.99-1, Tyrone, Pa. Date CLOVERINE Brond SALVE lo -jell 01 50c remit amount o.ked^.lthm 30rfays. selec for FRtl Magnifier, Big Catalog and Order of Salve Yes — we'll send you the MAGIC MAGNIFIER absolutely FREE! Also - well send Salve, Pictures and Big Catalog showing dozens of wonderful premiums you can have. Cameras. Fishing Outfits, Dolls, Rifles, Radios, Watches, elc (Sent postpaid) SIMPLY GIVE pictures with WHITE CLOVERINE brand SALVE easily sold to friends, relatives and neighbors at 50c o Tube (with Picture). Rush coupon to start FREE "MAGIC MAGNIFIER' TOWN.. ZONE NO. MAGIC MAGNIFIER COMES TO YOU FREE! ACT NOW! KEEE MAIL COUPON • Magnifier sent FRE TEX RITTER WESTERN WHAT'S WRON0/V IT'S LUCK/ FOR YOU , L ' TSX?~ SICK? / ANP THE OTHERS I PIP.' YUH B’ACKEO / THEY'RE SCARE? GREEN.., POWN FROM I'VE GOT TO MAKE THE THAT LOUP- V ARREST WITH NO ONE ELSE MOUTH.' ^ AROUNP TO SET HURT/ NOT ATH I MG- BUCK/ | WELL, KEEP AWAY JUST FIGGEREP / FROM US/ WE PON'T I'P SAY HELLO/ /LIKE LAWMEN — IN - r"f PARTICULAR, WE y* PON'T LIKE you! Jy TEX RITTER WAS IN ANOTHER SPOT— IF THEY PREW THEIR SIX GUNS, OTHERS WOULP BE HURT/ HE HAP TO SACK POWN AGAIN > HEY, RITTER/ WE NEEP REFILLS; BRING THAT JUG OVER HERE -t^ANP MAKE IT SNAPPY/ r^< I'LL PO IT, TEX,,, BUT I HOPE YUH PON'J SACK POWN THIS TIME' y SPREAP WORP OUT- SI PE- I WANT THE STREET CLEAREP IN FIVE MINUTES' WILL - YOU PO THAT? ANYTHING YUH SAY, BUCK' HAPPEN ANP REEMER WERE ENJOYING THEM' , SELVES/ ALWAYS AFRAIP OF LAWMEN IN THE PAST, THEY THOUGHT THEY HAP TEX BUFFAIOEP/ ^ TEX HAS PLENTY O' ROOM NOW/ THAT GO IN' THAT WAY, TOO, RITTER/ WE OUGHTA HAVE T SOME FUN/ THIS OKAY, 'BUCK? I'M GO IN' OUTSlPE NOW,,, I PON'T WANT YUH TUH GET *— X SO R E/ J PAIR'S STEPPIN' INTUH TROUBLE/ TEX RITTER WESTERN you twoVe been* lucky/ i coljlpn't callvuh in the bank- THERE WERE ^ INNOCENT , / BYSTANPERS' / THE SAME THING i IN THE SALOON/ BUT I'M CALLIN' V — , YUH NOW/ WHAT'S GOIN' ON? IS THIS A TRICK, PON>T WORRy ABOUT' HIM, BUCK/ HE BACKED POWW BEFORE "HE^ r WILL NOW/ 2 NOTHING MOVEP ON THE STREET,.. THERE WAS A HUSH ANP THE TWO MEN SLOWLY BECAME AWARE OF IT/ TEX WAITED,, THE SHOOTIN'S OVER, BOYS .'SHOW ME WHERE THE < ~r MONEY 15 "YUH \ ( CAN'T SPEND IT ) IN JAIL/ —S HOLD IT, RITTERJ I GIVE UP/ t- THE TWO GUN- SLINGERS WENT for: THEIR COLTS... BUT TEX RITTER'S RIGHT HANP BLURREP DOWN ANP UP... HIS • 0UN SPOKE FIRST/ THAT'S ALL R IGHT, TRASK/, NEXT TIME, LOOK AROUNP/ SEE WHO ELSE MIGHT GET HIT WHEN THE BULLETS FLY/ YOU, TRASK PUT THAT GUN AWAY/ YOU ALMOST GOT INNOCENT PEOPLE HURT J TO PAY WITH YOUR STUPIP HEROISM/ , TINHORNS LIKE YOU TWO ALWAYS HAVE TUH BRAG! I KNEW YUH'P SHOW YORE HAND IF I GAVE YUH TIME ENOUGH/ TM SORRY, TEX/ I WAS WRONG/ TEX RITTER WESTERN WARRIOR IN EXILE tSSoPlNG 'WOLF had SEEN DAYS OF GLORY... HE'D LED HIS vNARRlORS AGAINST THE TRIBAL ENEMIES, PEONING HIS COURAGE AND SKILL \N1TH NNEAPONS/ A 'WHITE MAN'S TREACHERY ENDED ALL THAT/ TAFT BUCKLEY, 'WITH A FLICK OF THE PEN, nWIPED OUT THE '■WARRIOR’S SKILL NNITH THE LANCE, DOOMED HIM TO EX.ILE PROM THE PEOPLE HE HAD LED / "MY TRIBE HOLDS HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND© OF ACRES’-*' 'WE DO NOT HUNT ON ALL OF IT/ 'WE LEASE SOME IN EXCHANGE FOR BLANKETS AND FLOUR FOR THE 'WINTER .. GO AND TALK NNITH BUCKLEY / GET VNHAT YOU CAN FOR THE LAND/ 'NE TRUST YOU/ TEX RITTER WESTERN X RODE TO SEE BUCK LEV THE TREACHER- OUS. vNHtTE MW WAS WAITING, ALL SMILES. HE HAD A FEAST PREPARED/ I >N AS FLAT- TERED AS HE TOLD ME ''NHAT A GREAT NNARRiOR X HJAS / HE DID NOT CALL ME A FOOI NOT THEM ... LOPING ''NO IF/ REST VOUR. ' 'HE^E BEEN, '•NAiTinG ,—r FQR VOU / THE VNOMAN READ the CONTRACT TQ ME — IT xJAS generous, PROMISING MANV BLANKETS, MUCH FLOUR/ THEN SHE LEFT AND BUCKLE V OFFERED ME A PEN... MARIA-- LOPinG ^QLF KNO'NS WQu . READ THIS CONTRACT,' sign HERE . UOP'NG . NNOLF/ "EX. HEARD THE sNARRIOR’S STORV AND : PITIED HIM/ AND HE KNE'W HE'D HANE T O HELP... CLOTHES --T DIDN'T V-IANT TO SHAME MV TRIBE SO X LAID MW FINE 'N ARRiCR S ROBES ASIDE / X TRADED MV ^NAR PQNV FOR FOOD/ TEX RITTER WESTERN LATER, WEAR A STREAM ON THE PRAIRIE-, AFTER LOPING NNOLF HAD CASHED A^AH SOME OP HIS DIRT AND SHAME... X THINK SO, LOPING 'WOLF-" IP r CAN FIND THE AGREEMENT HOU SIGNED, X /MAH FIND SOMETHING ILLEGAL IN IT/ IT'S A PLACE TO START ANHHO'N/ . swE 'WILL GO TO • ML BUCKLES 'S 'WAREHOUSE IN THE MORN - (Tfc '■NO/ X ONE SOU THANKS , ' RANGER / CAN SOU HELP ME UNDO THE HARM X HANE DONE MS PEOPLE? THERE'S RITTERS - BUCKLE H TOLD ME TLH KEEP AN EHE OUT FOR HIM IN PARTICULAR/ THIS IS OUR ,_r£ u CHANCE/ y ST AH HERE SSITH THi HORSES, LOP'.NG NNOLF / WESTERN \T DIDN'T "NQRK. BUSTER THE PRAIRIE MARSHAL LEFT, HEAD IMG BACK FOR LOPING "NOIF AND THE HORSES/ HE FOUND THE ANIMALS BUT LOPING "NOLF "NAS GONE . . . — 7? ~7~ / FRANK "NAS FOLLOWIN' MS ORDERS. RITTER. "NHAT "MERE SOU DOIN' ATMS SAFE/ \ I. "NAS GETTING / PROOF THAT /SOU 1 RE A /SWINDLER, ^ BUCKLES / X \ HASEN'T GOT IT SET--BUTX‘LL i GET IT/ A SOU SHOULD' ME LET "NELL ENOUGH ALONE, INLJUN/ MAS BE IT'S BETTER. THIS "NAS -- IT'LL LOOK LIKESUH "MERE SHOT ROBBlN' MS SAFE/ NO SENSE IN "NAITIN'... MISSED/ TEX RITTER WESTERN TEX RITTER WESTERN HE COULDN'T BE SATISFIED/ ONETIME, X LET THE SUN SHINE ON HIS STEAK FOR FINE MINUTES , HE SAID IT VNAS BURNED/.. X SAID RARE AN X MEANT RARE. SO f HON COME THE REST OF US GET 'EM vNELL DONE NON? 'NEIL, GRtZZLS KEPT WANTIN' HIS STEAK RACER AND RARER/ IT 'MOUND UP 'WITH ALL THE CATTLE RUNNIN' FOR MEXICO/ HE LIKED ’EM TOO RARE... AMAZING PRECISION MINIATURE SECRET CAMERA Any Mm, npir, er dMument you'd like to have an eutllae efT Jujt take out a gait ef cigarettes and true away. It's simple, your camera is inside. Thera S fata of otkmr flwa. r r,, jvmi i, ini««, * IM ^ There s tote ef ether clever ways toe. A precision built camera that is so amazingly small it is less than % the size of a regular pock of cigarettes and can be taken everywhere you go. It weighs only 2’/j ounces and is solid all melal construction with chrome trim. It's got a professional eye level view finder and a single action I /25th second and time exposure shutter with a precision ground lens that -assures you a clear, sharp instantaneous picture. It takes fen piduies per roll on low cost film (standard 16 MM). Mokes for beautiful enlargements. So compact and precision made, it can be hidden anywhere ond takes true-to-life "spy" pictures that should really provide you with loads of fun and interest. Only $1.9u complete with a free roll of film. Don't delay I Order now m i n i i t) MONEY BACK GUARANTEE TO DAY FREE TRIAL J HONOR M PROOUCT5 C0RP Dept CA* 2 9 . We know you'll have so much fun I '^mylwgl Camera and free roll ol'ft S1.98 and excitement with your Secret | at once. If I am not .100% delighted I may return it I Camera that we offer it to you at ■ of, « r ,0 Days Fr ** Tf ial for prompt refund of fhe full i 10 Doy, Fr„ Tri.t. Us. it ond « ' a tiro..,,. . you re nol 100% d.ligM.d w.th | a „„ c „ „ , I its performance, return to us end • tente pestage. Veur girl frlemf and ether bath- ing beauties will ell relax in their natural pete and mric a twall pin-up collection. Through • paper io jutt one of the many ways to go about it Now, for the first time, you eon send for any or all of these beautiful, cosy-to-build plastic model kits. of famous American cannon. These pre- cisiort made plastic models have been scaled from official photos, - Each cannon has metalized (brass plated! parts, rope, metal chain and full, easy-to-follow instructions* We believe you will find these new guns the finest historic authentic models you ever saw! After you hove set up ond cemented the pieces together, your friends and patents will gaze with admiration at the beauty of s® rhese cannon 1 T Rush coupon immediately with $1.00 plus 10< for \ i&V postage and handling for each connon or $3.30 for > , all three. Sorry, no C.O.D.'s, Civil WAR FIELD PIECE. Famous in the war be- tween the North and South! This kit con. tains .84 pieces! ONLY $ J 00 plus 10 < postage NAVAL 24 POUNDER. The famous American gtttr ONLY that keot the enemy away Sj 00 from our shores* This easy. f astic model plus iSf kit contains 58 pieces’ postage GATLING GUN. Early American machine gun. This [model kit -contains 44 pieces. JOSELY CO., Dept. C5A NO C.O.D. 1472 Broadway, New York 36, N. Y. Gentlemen: Rush the following to me» • Naval Gun @ $1.10 Civil War Gun @ $1 .10 Gatling Gun @ $1 .10 NAME __ ADDRESS ___ plus 10c postage. f Each kit is precision made and con- < tains brass plated parts and rope and chain! Easy-to-follow instruc-: tiont are included. Takes secret pictures! Easily carried in the palm of your hand SEND COUPON IMMEDIATELY! Deadwood Days Thomas Ingham was a mining engineer. He was appointed, "U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for the lately discovered extensive mineral belt of Colorado, Dakota, and Montana.” So in the 1870’s he made trips to the Old West. He met a lot of people and saw a variety of interesting things. Let him talk for himself and tell us about the Old West. "On the 25th day of April, 1876, in a wild and picturesque gorge, nearly five thousand feet above sea level, the town of Deadwood was laid out at the junction of Whitewood and Deadwood Creeks. Some parties claim that a man named Fyler was instrumental in laying out the young city. Others said that Craven Lee, Isaac Brown, Noah Seiver and others did it. Red Young laid out the town, according to one ver- sion, by using a lariet rope instead of a survey- or’s chain for a measure. The first house, a pin-log cabin, was built by Lee and Brown about the first of May. By the middle of June the place had grown into a bustling town. At that time the buildings were of the poorest character, nothing in fact but tents and log cabins. Even the stores and busi- ness places were of the same kind. Everything bore the aspect of a mere camp in the woods. Stumps and trees blocked the streets in every direction. Gradually the timber disappeared. By the first of July, three steam saw mills were turning out about twenty thousand feet of lumber daily. It wasn’t sufficient to supply the demand for building and mining purposes. Every industry kerned to prosper. Merchants tvho went there in 1876 and early in 1877 disposed of their stocks at fabulous prices. One man took into the place in his own wagons goods which he bought in Cheyenne for three thousand dollars. And he sold them as fast as he could open the boxes. He received about ten thousand dollars. The village of 1876 grew into a town in 1877 and into a rushing city in 1879- Handsome public and private buildings were being erected. There were three daily papers, three banks. hotels, three theatres, four churches and a fine grade school house. In addition there were five hundred shops and mercantile houses. On September 25th, 1879, Deadwood had put on metropolitan airs and boasted of over five thousand inhabitants. The next day the deadly scourge of the West had struck! For the thing that was feared most wasn’t Indian attacks but FIRE. About half past one o’clock on the morning of September 25:h, a fire broke out in a bakery on Sherman Street. The buildings and those adjoining it were of the most inflammable character. They were wooden buildings made of yellow pine. The wind blew a gale and sparks flew in show- ers, setting fire to everything they touched. The flames roared through the business por- tion and on to the private residences along the hillsides. The flames spared nothing in its course. The startled citizens had barely time to escape with their lives. Many of them saved only the clothing which they wore at the time. The blowing up of some houses with giant powder stopped the fire’s devastating career at China Town. And the tearing down of other buildings at the intersection of Pine and Sher- man Streets checked it there. But it was too late! From the corner of Pine and Sherman Streets to China Town, an area of nearly half a mile long by a quarter wide, every house, whether brick or frame with the exception of half a dozen small fireproofs, was gone. In three hours from the time the fire began, there was not a dry goods, grocery, or boot and shoe store. Not a hotel, theatre, bank, or print- ing office was left in what had been the main business part of Deadwood. 'the destruction was a complete and total loss. But in a few short months, as if by magic, the city had arisen from its ashes. It is said that merchants, while their buildings were still in flames, were galloping out before daylight to the saw mills, in order to get lumber and mater- ials for the buildings that would go up again. This was the spirit of the West. The spirit that even fire couldn’t beat. A month later, a Deadwood paper stated: "The whole place is a teeming hive of human bees without a drone. The streets are block- aded with wagons, teams, lumber, brick, mortar and throngs of sturdy laborers. Every man you meet has his coat off and working tools in his hands. The whole air is filled with the clatter of hammers and saws. Men with lanterns swing- ing on the dirt banks besides them, dig away all night long on excavations for cellars and foundations.” "Carpenters with miners’ lamps on their hat fronts, nail on boards and laths and shingles at midnight as busily as noonday. The whole population exchanging, lending, and helping each other. Amid all the loss and desolation there has been no wrangling about titles, even though every record was destroyed and possess- ion was the sole evidence of proprietorship.” When I went to Deadwood the cost of living was from eight to twelve dollars per week at the principal hotels or boarding houses. Prices of food were much higher than in the East as you had to add the cost of freighting them over such long distances. It added from four to six cents per pound for everything brought in from the East. In 1879, the average price of flour was about eleven dollars per barrel. Eggs were forty cents per dozen and bacon was from sixteen to^ eighteen cents per pound. Raisins were thirty cents a pound and smoked hams were seventeen cents a pound. In order to get to Deadwood I first took the train to Sidney, Nebraska. The population of Sidney was about one thousand. From here the Sidney and Black Hills stage line ran daily stages to Deadwood. The distance was two hundred and sixty seven miles. The fare was thirty dollars. We saw this stage loading with bag- gage at the stage depot, preparing for a start to the Hills. Although apparently already overloaded with boxes, trunks, valises, and packages of all kinds, they were still tying on mail sacks and luggage in every conceivable place where it was possible to fasten a bundle. The stage ride from the Union Pacific Railway at Sidney to Deadwood can hardly be called a pleasure trip. You go over a dreary and barren plain through furious clouds of dust, filling your eyes, ears, and nose. Riding by day or night for fifty hours can be- come very monotonous; Yet with all these discomforts, it is a new and novel experience, full of adventures to those who have never taken such a journey. Es- pecially when the stage coach goes around a sharp precipice on a narrow track. Your heart jumps right into your mouth. We had no trea- sure in our stage coach. Needless to say, the presence of bullion and gold dust in a stage coach was a temptation to bad men. These were called Road Agents. In order to prevent them from doing anything, a very simple but efficient system was used. Twice a month a special coach was sent with the valu- ables. It was guarded by eight armed men. In addition there were two armed men who rode ahead of the treasure coach. And there were two armed men who rode behind the coach. Thus you had twelve well armed men to pro- tect the coach. Each coach carried nearly two hundred thousand dollars each trip. When you went out looking for gold or sil- ver you also had to know the laws. Thus at that time, in the Dakota Territory you had the fol- lowing laws in regard to mineral claims. 1. Only citizens and those who have declared intention to become such, can legally lo- cate mines. 2. All la.id is mineral that is more valuable for mining than for farming purposes. 3. A vein or lode extends one hundred and fifty feet on each side of its center and the end lines must be parallel with each other. 4 . Where two or more veins intersect or cross, the prior location will take the ore with- in the intersection. Also: The discoverer must record within twenty days from the date of discovery, and his location certificate must contain :1. The name of the vein. 2. The name of the locator. 3. The date of the location. 4. The number of feet in length claimed on each side of the discovery shaft. 5. The number of feet in width claimed on each side. 6. The general course of the vein as nearly may be. Of course there were fortunes made by the discoverers of valuable veins. It is one thing to have money and another thing to keep it. But you must remember that a lot of money was also made in the Old West by people with products to sell. Thus, thirty five miles south of Dead- wood was the salt works of Henderson & Co. They produced salt by evaporation and sold it in the cities and mining camps. And made a lot of money. Next time we meet, I hope to have some- thing else to tell you about miners in the Old West. — THE END TEX RITTER WESTERN TWWMf'HA* £00! THE TALL, RUGGED STRANGER CAME RIDING INTO LAREDO, HIS GUNS HUNG LOW IN THEIR HOLSTERS / THIS LOOKED LIKE A FIGHTING MAN, AND THE CITIZENS OF THIS WESTERN TOWN WONDERED IF THIS WAS THE MAN THEY WERE WAITING FOR J LOOKS LIKE A TOUSM H OM5RS... COULP &E ONE OF FREP KOLER'S SUN HAWKS/ TEX RITTER WESTERN THE KOLER GANG ACTEP UP A ©IT LAST WEEK- A STRAY PIECE OF LEAP NICKEP ME.' WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM? &UT I CAN FIX UP A ROOM FOR YUH SACK OF THE OFFICE, MARSHAL. I'LL &E BACK LATER.,. GOTTA CHECK IN AT THE HOTEL.' T HAT'S WHY I ASKEP THE GOVERNOR FOR HELP/ ONE OF THESE PAYS . KOLER WILL S RIPE IN AN' TRY TO TREE THE TOWN/ I WON'T BE ABLE TO HANPLE HIM J ALONE/ / GUESS THE GOVER NOR KNEW WHAT HE WAS POIN', THO, LOOKS LIKE A REAL FlGHTlN' MAN/ NO, THANKS... PREFER TO STAY BY MYSELF WHEN l'M NOT ON ^aar PUTY/ ^ ONE,TOM... never EVEN SMILEP ONCE. TEX RITTER WESTERN A SECONP WEEK PA'S SEP .ANP STILL NO StSN OF THE KOLER 6ANi... / r ^ ( marshal up in his ) V ROOM, SAM - ? v' ^ | DOUBT IT/ l KNOW ^ KOLER'S REP ANP THERE'S PLENTY OF WEALTH IN THIS TOWN HE'D LIKE TO SET HIS . HANPS ON/ - A WEEK PASSBP, AND LIFE REMAINED QUIET AND UNDISTURBED IN L AREPO„.r -C- J MAYBE \ KOLER AND HIS SAN© DECIDED TO QUIT j THE TERRITORY/ / f WHY DON'T TAKE IT EASY SHERIFF. I'M NOT armed. THERE'S THE MARSHAL'S VISITOR NOW, COMING POWM/ I CAN'T SHOOT AN UNARMED YUH SHOOT- SHERIFF? I WANT YOU/ KOLER; MAN' TEX RITTER WESTERN NO USE CHASIN' AFTER HIM/ I'LL see WHAT THE MARSHAL — r KNOWS A&OUT THIS/ r • OHHH! r I'M A U-S. MARSHAL/ V &arnes,.,that SHOULD ANSWER VOUR y QUESTION/ l THINK YOU'RE YUH HAP A MEETIN' WITH FREP KOLERj WHOSE SIDE ARE YUH ON ANYWAY, . SIMMS'? s I'M FAST WITH M V GUNS, TOM... I COULPA DROPPED YUH IF I'D A MIND TO/ YOU GOTTA TRUST ME/ •*. yOU'RE MAKIN' A MISTAKE/ FREE l •nly $3.75 . Um 14mm 2 far $6.50 3 hr 59.00 riie gill end 1 complete rolls JUST 3 SALES DAILY Earn You Up to $660 EXTRA Every Month! ing Business Oulfil. It contains everything to make exciting cash profits from the first nour. You also get wonderful savings on everything you need for yourself or family. "’'-’te orders for lust 3 of these fast-selling combinations p to $660 per month. Ions folks bux fQim • Insulated Jacket and leather Hoot Combination . y Coldbar Suit! You Get Steady REPEAT ORDERS MASON Shoe Mfg. Co M D«pt.es9 Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin SEND FOR FREE OUTFIT! verythlng I my first hou COLD WEATHER PAYS OFF in Profits for Men Who Sell New Insulated Shoes and Jackets. s/e m/rey New 2- ln-1 Deal POEMS wakted Send your Poems today for FREE EXAMINATION: Any subject Immediate consideration. Fin* Star Mvii< fiUit.ii, 50 $•«<•* *Uf ., I*it»s, Hsu.. Electronic Recorder Moke Your Own „ * only Records On Any Phonograph. Test your voice. Talk. Sing. Play. Immediate playback. Fun at hom6. Prac- tical for office & school. Send rec- ords to friends. Make records from radio or TV. Play back favorites years - „ ^ later. Even conceal mike in another room! Makes 33, 45 or 78 rpm records (any speed). Set includes: Recording Unit (arm & electro-magnetic cutting stylus) which operates on any turntable, electric Studio Microphone, cutting needles & blank records. No wiring. Ready to use. Independent oi phono circuit. Guaranteed. THAT HURT/ HE CANT HELP - OUT COLD/ GOT TO REACH 'NITH HIM OR 'NE'LL BOTH . DROWN / TEX RITTER WESTERN X WAS IN THESE ONCE AN' GOT OUT/ X'LL BE SAFE NNITH THE LARIAT TIED AROUND M"1 . WAIST/ > THE RAGING WATERS SMASHED HIM AGAINST ROCKS— HE STRUGGLED UPWARD, EX- PECTING- HELP FROM THE MEN HOLDING THE ROPE ... BUT NONE CAME... 'THERE' S PART OP THE WAGON THIS RIMER'S ONLH ABOUT THIRTN FEET DEEP/ X'D BETTER GET TO the surface/ Mfi&sr: THE ROPE IS SLACK/ SOME- THING HAPPENED/ IT LOOKS LIKE A KNIFE CUT IT, KOLTER / MATBE A SHARP ROCK DID IT... I'LL FIND OUT SOME ~ DAN AND THEN... * ) X'LL SOON / KNOW / HERE'S THE END/ TEX RITTER WESTERN THE MINE OWNER SEE/VIED NERVOUS. TEX RITTER KEPT ALERT... WE CAN'T XTUST LET THAT GOLD UW THERE IN THE RIVER , KOL TER/ MATBE 'HE CAN DAM THE RIVER UP ABOVE / C'MON , y— LET'S TAKE r-— -< 1 M A LOOK.' W. -^B/V WE MIGHT DVNAMITE THE 'NALLS HERE THAT'D DRV IT UP LONG ENOUGH FOR US TO RETRIEVE THE GOLD ' THE PRAIRIE RANGER ACTED INSTINCTIVELY' HE FLATTENED AGAINST A STEEP ROCK AND... i - ~ 'YOU DIDTHAT, KOLTER ? TO' RE PRETTT AWKWARD FOR A MININ' MAN/ A NEVER MIND, MISTER. LOOK, X WANT TO LOOK AT THE DEED TO THE MINE X 'WANT TO SEE A TOUR BOOKS M TOO/ ALL RIGHT, RITTER-' I IT WON'T HELP TUH MUCH.' TEX RITTER WESTERN RITTER'S. INSIDE LOOKING- AT THE BOOKS/ X nNANT HIM OUT OF THE 'NAY / LOOK, HERE'S VIHAT SOU DO... GO AHEAD, RITTER, SNOOP ALL SUH N4ANT/ I'SEGOT TO SPEAK TO THE MEN/ KOLTER HAS TO GET ME J COME OUT- OUTOFTHE SNAS NOW/ ? HERE, IRA*- THERE’S KOLTER/ ) GER/ THER 1 TROUBLE ^ BREWING: KOLTER 1 SREALLS STEAMIN’/ HE'LL HASE SOMETHING RIGGED FOR ME S NHEN X STEP OUTSIDE - - BEFORE X DO, X'LL HANE: A LOOK UNDER THAT TRAPDOOR/ IT'S A CLUMSY TRAP - * f IT'D HOLD UP IF THE'Y . GOT ME/ FABULOUS NEW 5-Ft. Long Balloons TWIST INTO A THOUSAND SHAPES! GIRAFFES— DACHSHUNDS— PETS OF ALL KINDS ADD 25c Postage Made of Live Latex f ° r Handling Delight Kiddies — Grown-Ups. Too! Fantastically flexible Live Latex! Like no other balloons you’v* ever seen! Twist 'em. turn 'em. bend 'em — they won't break! Cut them in half or any size — twist and they re-seal! The kid- dies will have a whale of a time making them into Davy Crock- ett hats, pretzels, giraffes, lions, fish— a whole zoo! You'll want them for unusual party or Recreation room decorations! Liven up a party with a contest for making the funniest shape of alii Complete instructions. , Almost 5 feet long when inflated. Balloons this size usually sell up to 25c each! Send only $7 now for 200 in a variety of gay colors! (Plus 25c for Postage and Handling.) Supply limited at this low price, so order several sets NOW for GUARANTEED PROMPT DELIVERY. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. MURRAY 114 E, 32 St. HILL HOUSE De, New York 16. N. Y. 1501 Your Fritnds! Baffle Your Family! You’ll Astonish Thom All! MAGIC TRICKS REVEALED SPECIAL ctfOO INTRODUCTORY ■ OFFER NOTHING EXTRA TO BUY! ivory tingle trick i* performed with everyday kings yew have around the haute. . . coins, card*, balls, handkerchiefs, rapes, ate. The small price af $1.00 is all you payl ASTONISHING" . . . say people who have seen this collection. You’ll be plucking coins from thin air! You’ll cause cards to change their spots at your command! You’ll hear the gasps of wonder as you do the world-famous ’’Indian Rope Trick.” You’ll actually do over 250 baffling tricks, including: • The Vanisfcinc Batl * Disappearing Handkerchief • The Mind Reading THck • The Knot that Unties Itsoll • The Secret af Number 9 • The Disappearing Cain • Phantom Writing * Making a Ball Roll by Itself • Drawing Meaty Trick • Miracle Card Jumping Trick • The Coin Leaping Trick • The Phantom Money Trick, ate, ate. HURRY! Supply is Limited! * it it it it ★ ★ ★ ★ *★*★! ANYONE ...* to so ... can PERFORM THESE FIATS OF MAOIC ONCE YOU KNOW THESE SECRETSI First time revealed . . . this private collection from "Art the Magician.” COMPLETE SECRETS REVEALED! Every single trick fully explained! You saw some of them on T. V. Many were performed by such master magicians as HOUDINI. THURSTON, etc. And now . . . YOU can do all of these famous magic tricks. They’re fun! They’re mystifying! Simply terrific for parties! MAGIC COLLECTION, MPT. XS01| 228 Uxington Av#., N. Y. IS, N. V. I enclose $1.00. Please RUSH my 250 MAGIC * TRICKS postpaid. If the tricks don’t wo»k. I . 1 can return in 10 days for full refund. I (Sorry. No COD’s.) TEX RITTER WESTERN DROP IT. MISTER/ YUH'RE UNDER. ARREST/ GET US A LAWYER RQI.TER / IT mS WORE IDEA/ DON'T BE A FOOL/ YOU CAN'T PRONE IT/ WE'D NEVER TESTIFY AGAINST OURSELVES/ X CAN PRONE NOU'NE BEEN DEFRAUDIN' THE REAL OWNERS OP THIS /V1INE/ THE BOOKS SHONN A J HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR SHORTAGE/ ■ THAT FAKE LOAD YOU ■ LOST NNILL COMER IT M AND MORE/ JAs K OUTER'S TWO GUNMEN WERE LOCKED IN A TOOL SHANTY WHILE TEX. WENT AHEAD WITH HIS PLANS/ HE KEPT KOLTER \ IT' LL CHECKTHE CURRENT, J IN CALM WATER. WE CAN 'SALVAGE WWATENER. WAS ON THAT WAGON/ IP IT WAS GOLD . 'YOU'LL. GET IT BACK --IF NOT. YOU GOTO PRISON FOR. FRAUD' , y WHAT GOOD WILL THAT DO WONDERIN', KOLTER f THIS DYNAMITE WILL KNOCK A w THOUSAND TONS OP ROCK ACROSS THE RlNER 1 FOR A Spur SECOND, THE MARSHAL TOOK HIS B'i E OFF KOLTER ... IN THAT INSTANT , ROUTER S'WUNG- THE ROCK ... TEX RITTER WESTERN ROUTER BABBLED HIS STORH QUICK U/-» -THE PRAIRIE RANGER 'WAS SURE OF CON - NICTING HIM BEFORE HE STARTED UP THE CLIFF / MEANWHILE, THE FUSE HISSED AND SPUTTERED TOWARD THE DYNAMITE... X DIDN'T CONNECT THE FUSE TO THE DYNAMITE/ THAT msA BLUFF, AN' IT . FORKED, KOLTER/ THERE WAS NO GOLD ON THE ^NAGON-- BUILDING BLOCKS 'WERE UNDER. THE CANNAS COVERING THE LOAD.' THE GOLD IS BENEATH HOUR OFFICE/ YOU'RE UNDER. ARREST FOR FRAUD, ATTEMPTED MURDER Al SOME MORE CHARGES 'WHEN r HAVE TIME TO THINK ABOUT IT/ SSockir JOSELYCO., Dept. TCH-17 1472 Broodway New York 36, N. Y. 1 HERE'S MY $1.25! C. Rush the TOY SOLDIERS TO ME! Nam* _____________ BACH FOOTLOCKSR CONTAINS: 8 Mochinegunn on 4 Bombers 8 Sharpshooters 4 Trucks 4 Infantrymen 8 Jet Planes 8 Officers 8 Cannon 8 Waves 4 Baiookamen 4 Tanks 4 Jeeps 4 Battleships 4 Cruisers 4 Sailers 4 Riflemen YOU BUILD Broadcasting j Transmitter As part of N.R.I. Communi- J cations Course you build this | low power Transmitter; use • it to learn methods required I of commercial broadcasting | operators, train • for FCC I license. I YOU BUILD Signal Generator N.R.I. sends kits of parts * to build this Signal Gen- erator. You get practical experience, conduct tests to compensate Radio frequency practice aligning a typical I.F fier in TV circuit, many othei YOU BUILD Vacuum j Tube Voltmeter f Use it to get practical experience, Cam 1 extra cash fixing neighbors’ sets in spare j time, gain knowledge to help you work 1 in Radio, Television. Color TV. With I N.R.I. training you work on circuits m common to both Radio and TV. Equip- £ ment you build "brings to life” things 1 you learn in N.R.I "s easv-to-under- *" stand lessons. 64 page Catalog FREE, shows all equipment you get. YOU BUILD AC-DC Superhet Receiver N.R.I. servicing training supplies all parts, every- thing is yours to keep. Nothing takes the place of practical experience. You get actual servicing experience by practicing with this modern receiver; you learn-by-doing. by Practicing at Home WHAT GRADUATES DO AND SAY Chief Engineer “1 am Chief Engineer of Station KGCU in Mandan, N D I also have my own spare time business servicing high frequency two-way com- munications systems.” R BARNETT. Bis- marck. North Dakota. Poid for Instruments ”! am doing very well in spare time TV and Radio. Sometimes have three TV jobs waiting ar.d also fix car Radios for garages I paid for instruments out of earn- ings " G F. SEAMAN. New York. N. Y Has Own TV Business icing, i , rs. Dur „ my Army service. NR1 training helped get me a top rated job.” W. M WE1DNER. Fairfax. South Dakota. NEED FOR TECHNICIANS INCREASING Fast Growing Field Offers Good Pay, Bright Future Today’s OPPORTUNITY field is Radio-Televi- sion. Over 125 million home Radios plus 30 million sets in cars and 40,000.000 Television sets mean big money for trainer! Radio-TV Technicians. More than 4.000 Radio and TV Broadcasting stations offer interesting and im- portant positions for technicians, operators. Color television, portable TV sets, Hi-Fi. other developments assure future growth. It’s the trained man who gets ahead. The fellow who uses his spare time to develop knowledge and skill gets the better job, drives a better car, lives in a better home, is respected for what he knows and can do. So plan now to get into Radio-TV. Keep your job while training with N.R.I. You learn at home in your spare time. N.R.I. is oldest and largest home study Radio-TV School. Our methods have proved successful for more than 40 years, provide practical experience. Soon after enrolling, many N.R.I. studentsstart to earn $10, $15 a week extra in spare time fixing sets. Many open their own full time Radio-TV shops after getting N.R.I. Diploma. Find out more. Mail Coupon. Cost is low, terms easy; includes all equipment. Address: National Radio Institute, Dept. 7MK3, Washington, D.C Send for LESSON and CATALOG | FREE VETERANS Available under * G.l. Bills iokDW-TYj- D-pt. 7MK3. Wuhington 16, D. C Mail me Sample Lesson and 64-Page Catalog, Free. (NoSalesman will call. Please write plainly.) Name.— ———Age — City Zone State I f ACCREDITED MEMBER, NATIONAL HOME STUDY COUNCIL. « ALL KINDS Of ELECTRIC TRAIN | HOUSEWARES PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH CROCKETT! t F QU'PW ENT ELECTRONIC c TWO-WAY 'WAIKIE -TALKIE! INDIAN MOCCASIN SET We w.ill send you tiie wonderful prices pictured qn this page. . or dozens of others, such as jewelry, radium djal wrist watches, tableware, tools, air-rifles, U-Make-It kits, leather kits, sewing kits, electric clocks, pressure cookers, scout equipment, model airplanes, movie machines, record players, and many others . . all WITHOUT ONE PEN N'Y OF COST. You don't risk or invest a cent— we send you everything you need ON TRUST. Here's how easy it is: Merely show your friends to and neighbors' inspiring, beautiful Religious Wall Motto plaques. Many buy six or even more to hang in every room. / An amazing value, only 35c. . .sell on sight. You can make big j cash commissions or get many exciting prizes for selling just I one set of ?4 .Mottos. Other prizes for selling 2 sets.or.more. I 1 Write today for Big Prize catalog sent to you'FREE. \ ROLLER SKATES most .prizes on this page by _ selling just oiie R> set of 24 Reli- gious Mottos In addition. I offer i, these wonderful L BIG prizes! I’ll tell you how you may win! All details sent free along with 24 Mottos I send you.on credit ? I INCH LIVE WESTERN" COWBOY HORSE _ BOY S<* ^»0R GIRL'S BICYCLE" t SSRK we fh'P A1 y °lnd the *'.40'“ n, ‘ and you •are vour choice _of " ?Si* r Ri rTheFUNmanT“eP^ K , ~^DirC BIG PRIZE | 5726 N. Broadway. Chicago 40. 111. T KL£ CATALOG I Please rush to me on 15 days credit 24 Religious Wall Mottos. to sell at 35c each. Also include big Prize Catalog FREE. I I will remit amount required as explained in BIG PRIZE } CATALOG within 30 days and select the prize. I want or I keep a cash commission as explained. INCLUDE DETAILS OK HOW | MAY WIN THE EXTRA BIG PRIZES. TYPEWRITER swmisiky *t CSCE M«mb«rahip in rill IFUNmanV Fun Clul* EXTRA! Sell motioeand send payment ISdays.and I'll giveyau/ree a year’s Member- shipln the FUN man’s Fun Club. Membership peril; certificate, secret code, giant packet of fun materials all yours— pirn extra surprises? you can of many - -ou pre^ Hurr,. ONEY We Trust You l •Street of Rh'D . Tli*r FflNman, bVpt *-> «*; 5726 N. Broadway, Chicago 40, IlliooisyiJ: