Hi IH THIS SPECTACULAR ISSUE: SIX-GUN SABOTAGE Of undying fame in the history of the Great West was the PONY EXPRESS' But with the advent of the telegraph, the Pony Express had to struggle for existence/ And when that struggle became a blazing, lead-slinging battle between the two services, Rod Cameron, fearless knight of the range, stepped in to prevent ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN )the telegraph I BUSINESS/ | NO ORNERY, MONEY-GR TELEGRAPH MAVERICK ! ’ CHARACTER/ ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN E TELEGRAPH THERE'LL BE UNDOUBTEDLY i SABOTAGE a Meanwhile, just around the next bend oj tracks , which the telegraph line folk later, bach at the telegraph In r railroad j I'LL HANG AROUND AS A {INOFFICIAL GUARD/ WOf THOSE HIRED JASPERS WAGONLOAD OF GUNPOWDER IS ROD CAMERON WESTERN great HORNEP TO APS! A LOAP OF GUNPDWPEg.' WE'LL BE BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS/>|*r^|| IF McWHERRV ORDERED THIS N Piece of sabotage, it's another BLACK MARK AGAINST HIM/ LETS STILL AROUNP THE BENP.' ROD CAMERON WESTERN • SABOTAGING JASPERS'" CAMERON VARMINT ROD CAMERON WESTERN I •OOow can Rod Cameron escape certain death from the rope? \ Is there any power on Earth that car save him from Grizzly Garson's murderous trap? Read Chapter Two of SIX-GUN, SABOTAGE/ ROD CAMERON WESTERN Chapter II ©JUDGE OF . DOOM! ^jibe a common horse thief, Bod Cameron faces the grim fate of lynching at the hands of Grizzly Garsonand his _ gang-’ [Suddenly. Hod gives a strange [ I command lohis great stallion! \ ROD CAMERON WESTERN : PONV EXPRESS OF LAWLESS PRACTICES/ ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN CJK pursuit of the \ outlaws, Hod Cameron \ crosses a. hanging bridge, \ only to find the other end being shot loose! Below lies a plunge of hundreds of feet to sharp rocks! is it the end for the great western j hero? Head CHAPTER THREE of SIX- GUkJ SABOTAGE! ROD CAMERON WESTERN IF WE HANG ON THE BRIPGE, WE'RE SUNK . 1 IF WE PROP ON THE ROCKS, WE'RE GONER! - BUT THERE'S - A THIRP POSSIBILITY.' Ta_\s the hanging bridge collapses, 5od Cameron flings his lariat with S lightning speed! / What is his desperate v plan? jg Unerringly, ike lasso snags an OUtfutting rock for anchorage •thesappie ■ JEKKEP < : BRIPGE, MOwwon Chapter III Fight to the . Finish/ ROD CAMERON WESTERN WE WERE PLUMB THERE WAS A PC w- THE BOTTOM < l THE GULCH. (SRI27LY GARS ON VAMOOSED ! RECKON HE TOOK IT FOR GRANTED I WAS KILLED WHEh I FELL' LET HIM - - KEEP THINKING THAT FOR THE ) J TIME BEING.' f/< ’ IN FORMATION But as Rod nears Buffalo Junction.. cWHERRY Af .y GARSON ro BUFFALO JUNCTION, PRONTO' --- RUMPUS BETWEEN AND THE TELEGRAPH J ROD CAMERON WESTERN /MAVERICKS.' SIZZLING SNAKES.' HAPPENEPjf^ STUBBORN C ROD CAMERON WESTERN THIS IS PLUMB 'AWFUL.' 0 GARSON HAS SUCCEEDED „ MAKING WAR BETWEEN THEV'LL ATTACH GRIZZLY GARSON? A LI ^STORY, CAMERON i INFORMATION THROUGH T( THE FEDERAL ARMY POST 'THE SHERIFF.' 'TRUCE! I CALL A s TRUCE! CAMERON.' BY USING BOTH THE < ifif REDSKINS ARE ON STOPPING- yuimm* TRUCE, AND FOR A REASON * MORE IMPORTANT THAN THIS LOCAL FRACAS THROUGH ! ROD CAMERON WESTERN EXPRESS And halfway to the Army Post,. where the ieXtgraph line ends, the gallant Pony Express takes over.’ Soon, a dramatic messat wings its way at thejl speed of el&ctricity! WARNING HACKING \ SURE THING/ N CAN YOU J JUST^SO I HAVE IGH TO THE ) FRESH HORSES T BEFORE J WAITING FOR ME V? ALONG THE WAV'/J GIPPA Pl'y And well before dawn at ike Army Post- On through the night speeds the. messenger / IWJUNS/... BIG BUGLER/ SDUNP GENERAL ALARM FOR ALL TROOPS/ r WE'LL SAVE BIG FORK! ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN . mg interesting the other day that I'd like to pass an to you. Wherever the Indians went they would always Maze a trail for others to follow. A broken branch, a pile of stones — any simple sign so others wouldn't get lost. They even had certain warning signs to indicate a water hole that was poisoned or an area where killer animals roamed. Sy spreading these markers all over, they helped others avoid many dangers. Welli pards, isn't that pretty much the way it is today ? Instead of old Indian trails we have streets, hut we s till e signs to warn us of danger. For instance, .„.vwe have traffic lights to tell vs when it's safe to cross a street — and if you cross against the red light, it's just like an Indian ignoring a danger signal and walking into a nest of rattlers. War Faint and I have been mighty pleased that so many of our pards have asked for our picture, and we sure are real anxious to send them to you. But if you don't write out your names and addresses mighty clear, it's plumb difficult for us to oblige. Well, War Faint and I have to get rambling now, but remember, fellows and girls, there's nothing we like better than hearing from our pards all o r the country. If any of you pards would like a picture of me, just write your name and address real legibly and enclose as much money as the picture costs. 11" x 14" PICTURE - $1.00 8" x 10“ PICTURE - .25 5“ x 7“ PICTURE - • 10. ROD CAMERON WESTERN THE SILVER STR ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN ROD CAMERON WESTERN' jiirees, IN HVA&TO EE YUM AROlttO DEPUTY y-f' 'worst: HIS MOUTH, ROD CAMERON WFSTERN ROD CAMERON ••• tcm-^Uted 6(tcy6t o£ t&e daddie