SH. STONEWALL OLE'HANK IS SnORiN OUT ANOTHER DREAW vESSiaeE-THAK AH WUZ, ALL ALONE [N THET THAR STAGECOACH, AWAITIN'^ FER THEM 'BLACK HAT BANDITS" ...WELL AH DIDN'T WAIT FER. LONI IT '4- * FROM SEyONP BuSTE* CRABIC AND MtS SlOEKICK WHISKMS SOLVf THE M'«*?' . Buster ond Wh lske<-s ore locked Inside a room, where they fir>d another prisoner . MARCH IS RED CROSS TIME ■Ulanswer THE CALL YOU KNOW THAT- The REO CROSS P»OviO£6 T-RAIMCO RCUCr WORKERS WHEN OIKABTfR ■TKlKCfi? THE JUNIOR KID CROSS PROMOTES INTERNATIONAL OOOD WILL TMPOUOm o'ft boxes and relief Shipments overseas? TMJE RED CROSS SAFETY SERVICES CON- SERVE HVM*N4irc TMRquQh r.RSr aid AMD vwrgw safety thajnino? IRSiNQ IS TAUOHT SV THE RED CROSS SO the SICK. NOT IN NEEO OF HOSPITALIZATION, MAV RECEIVE OOOO NURSINO CAPE IN -3d ^D * Th l"^ ?"°*?- rmA i™* ', or VOLUNTEER NURSES' AIDES?. B6HT Bu&~£% ZRAB8E A\P\ mGKBSS 7VS\ WOW I SPSCTA-OSS S C3\-£VP«.5 « THE I SHEATBST Bf'^B OP T»£« CARBSSS AS I THEY tao<^E the BIG FIOHT/.'f jffvK-'";^ NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP TO DEFEND IN ALL 48 STATES Champion Boston Bill Buckley,, launches "bum-oMhe-month campaign, as he starts barn- storming across the country to pick up some eosy money and escape the donger of some real competition tor the throne he usurped Irom he aging and >.f PETE PA3KA I IN PERSON- BOSTON BILL'S ^ MANAGER '. L2i^ ^j&m BOSTON BILL AIN'T eONNA \ STAN© STILL AN' l£T Mt BOUNCE 1 ONE OFF NIS JAWf ALL I WANT IS I TO 80 DOWN LIKE A ReMTES. . J Thertoft»rfioon.«l iht ttgttt Twr s it Houea ot homb»,-just UK* IT WAT YESTftfcY MAwNlW WHflN that scnBMct pfta^uN' TfiNPeePoar , GUVITT©ME SAYiN -TAKE ITauR»UGK rrr chuckhh. o' uranium -a« itj- ' AU.1BK1N, JDtrWaTMS PlCKIN' ' ■just enough ti> pwt> oor ir war MiP LOAM!> WITH THE PCKrouT STUFF -C FURTUeB, UE £»?, ANt> YOUU FlND« OP it TB LAY A HKMMY SiSABHT > OUT OF PHOENIX. ARiiONyTSu WlNP UP COMin 1 BACK to THE t™ PMQCWX. Ag.gONY FgQM The f a3 BUSTER IN REEL ACTION "B ING! Bang' B-rT! He threw her off the cliff! Although that immortal bit of doggerel wis written m the dear dead days when the serial pic- ture was (died i loday. The aerial is stilt puking them in with ill tU thnlU and chills But now. it appears that the boys have replaced the girls as star* The villain Mill pursues, but it't a him and not her. The hero has replaced the heroine. Buster Crebbe gets thrown off the diff instead of Peatl White. Of course, like everything else, the serial alto ha* marched on to many technical improvements. although die-hard silent fans, eyes brimming over with nostalgic tears, tetl u» that the days of The Penh of Pauline." The Haaards of Helen and "The Adventures of Kathlyn" were the good old thy*. Casting a technical eye back at the oldtime era, when the nickelodeons piano played dallied u> to the marrow ■almow a* rrnKh as tbe screen scenes themwlves, a modem aerial fan, and there are thousands of them, may smile at the crudities of those eady chapter plays. In those day* every- thing about the movies on the installment plan svas pretty much haphazard (torn production to screen- ing. The stones continued for as long as the tramc would bear. 'The Million Dollar Mystery,' for instance, was planned as an eight-chapter serial, then developed into twelve and eventually took twenty-four episodes before it was completed. Acting was lacking in finesse Rather it was built on stern stuff, with the teachings of an acrobat more useful than a dramatk coach. Camera tech- nique was less flexible. The theater projector and Kreen itself had many flaws, which led to the ex- pression the flickers," Today, although the excitement is still there and the protagonists are still being tied to railroad ! I night express approaches, are still being bound, gagged, hauled from precipice to precipice and bade to precipice again; still locked in a room while tune bombs ominously trek off rhesr death-dealing suspense, the technical aspects have changed. Chapter plays have emerged from theit swaddling colthes, and now in their thirty -seventh -year are chatting new paths in serial aim history. Tbe chiller that was the cuffttanger'" of yes- terday has assumed new suture. No longer is pro- duction helter-skelter, hi (teen episode* announced in advance n the limit for any one story. Sound recording, camera effects, acting, story plots, ail hue added new elements of suspense They art not only adventure a rammed but are more logical Although the aforementioned old timers may ad- mit all this, they still ding to the names of dM former daring stars— Kathlyn Wrlliams. Ruth Ro- land. Helen Holmes, Dorothy Philips, Hcleoe Cot- tello and Pearl White — whose courage and f*""Tt got the customers to click off the tickets at the boa- office turnstiles Today there is glamorous male ■*> business imtead of feminine charm. A stripped -to-the want Buster Crabbe appears to hold just as much enticement as the pretty face of former days. A "superman"' George Reeves, a hand- some Jon Hall, a virile Kirk Allen, a lithe City, ton Moore make the female hearts flutter and the kids' throats hoarse from cheering just as much at did the feminine star* of yesterday. In his newest serial. Buster Crabbe fights with lions, tigers, and that moat dangerous or all *dd animals on a movie *et, the bUck panther Me didn't mind this at much as he did a scene with Gloria Dea in which he is supposed to be hyrst- tited by bet Playing the native princes* of a strange African tribe, she hypnotises Butter to learn his secret for being m her village. *"1 don't like this," said the ex Olympic swim- ming champion. "Do you people know she* a hypnotist in teal life? The exotic Gloria it not only a hypnotist— «he as also a magician, having her owo ad 10 taudmUf •t the age of five- and -ahalf. Actually Buster had plenty to worry about when be had to right the black panther thtee times Animal handlers consider the blade panther the hardest of all wild animals to tram. The entire cast and crew of the picture had the jitters so long u the animal was on the set. However, although Bernie. the blade panther, had never been in films before. Buster's three lights with him went or? without a hitch. But when the trainer was returning the animal to its cage, it broke way. There were several anxious moment) as it wan- dered around the set. no one daring to interfere with the vinous beast Finally, it slunk into its cage as everyone breathed a sincere sigh of relief. There were other exciting incidents thar occurred during the filming of the future In one of them Boater's famed swimming prowess paid off with a vengeance Although he has saved dozens of fair damsels in distress in the films. Buster had a chance to actually save Gloria Dea from drowning. A scene was being photographed in which Gloria wai to wade along the banks of a swift jungle stream. Miss Dea who cannot swim, lost her bal- ance and was carried by the fast-moving current to the center of the stream where she was in danger of drowning. Buster dove into the water and quickly pulled her to the shore. The girl only suffered a brief coughtng spell, and a bad scare. Although be always wins the admiration of the female members of his audience, who place nun high OO their, list of movie heart-throbs. Buster's appeal for the girls was expressed in a complctdy new wa« during the final filming of the serial Buster's latest worshipper b Peggy, a doer three year-old trained chimpanzee, who plays bis jungle companion in the film. Peggy was never happier while on location than when she was hold- ing Buster's hand, and she Openly displayed her love tor him during the many fight scenes At these times her wild screams and attempts to rush in and help turn forced Peggy's hM"Hff to remove her from the set to that the scenes could be filmed. Peggy also sutfced 'roan vanity to another ^scene, clinging to Buster" i neck, vhe was supposed ttxttutt tier heed and look directly into the camera for a cloacup. Peggy just wouldn't do' it, no matter how much she was cajoled by the assistant director and her handler. Finally Buster suggested, "If she's like a lot of girls I know, a mirror right beside the camera lens should do it." A mirror was found and hastily set up. Peggy saw herself, and fascinated, kept looking right where she was supposed to. But alas Peggy proved to be fickle. She deserted Buster tor another, proving at the same time that feminine intuition is not all it is cracked up to be, and that the old adage, "love is blind," is true. When Peggy laid eyes on Steve Calvert, who plays an ape-man m the film, her eye* nearly popped. For the rest of the tune he was on the set she wouldn't even look at Buster, but in typical female fashion she tried to attract Steve's attention. She would caper in front of him one minute, leaping and turn- ing somersaults and the next instant she would nan away and hide. It seems in his gorilla outfit, Steve u Peggy's idea of a real he-monk. Buster fought so many animals in the picture in- cluding a live crocodile that when a new caged lion was brought on Buster got a big shock. The director explained the action. "The lion crosses your path, here, Buster, then goes off into the brush," he told the star. "What," said Buster disgustedly, "you mean to say I don't get a chance to light it? From the terrific excitement and hair-raising thrills in which Buster refuses to use a double it looks like serials are here to stay. In the past and present their contribution to the motion picture is 'To be continued next week" will never pass from the movie lexicon. But the qucena arc dead! long live the kings! ft»£nd / 9RIAT WESTtRN TELEVISION STAR YOU SHOULD BE A MEMBER OF THE BISTER CRABBE WESTEBX CLUB ™/,*7» and mall with 25c In coin and you will re- J/jK£ 071a. Official, fiadae. colv»ono^lfosrop»eo• pnoto ono" o» Officio/ A/til {hdnqhaphsuL (plwiD (00-90 ai a Member of the WfSTSAN CIV*. To- BUSTER CRABBE. P.O. BOX 233. NEW YORK 4*. N. Y. ENCLOSED IS 25< IN COIN. PLEASE SEND ME BUSTER CRABBE'S PHOTOGRAPH AND HIS OFFICIAL WESTERN ClUB BADGE eoy SCOUTS of AMeHICA BO.OOO BOY SCOUTS WILL CAMK JULY IT. 3B AT IRVINC RANCH. ORANOE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, ON THE SHORES OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN, laroe6t boy scout tent City will attract boys from all over the country. there will be paoeants, ceremonies, campfire8 and music, demon- strations of campcraft and scoutcraft.and friendship makino.' be elloible to attend the jamboree , scouts must be at least mo class and at least i3 years old. consult your local boy t council for oetalls.